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Swarmlab is a collection of services that aims to

  • provide teachers and professors with online remote tools to do their lessons

  • give students the opportunity to study real life examples in their chosen area of expertise

  • allow developers to fully test and debug their applications and provide POC’s

  • or you simply want to use a Application (in a microservices-based architecture)

Swarmlab provides you with all the required tools, tools to teach work or try out demos in a completely virtual environment.

More info:

alt text

LabInstance opencv

Instance with python 3.7 and opencv 4.1.0

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open-source library that includes several hundreds of computer vision algorithms. The document describes the so-called OpenCV 2.x API, which is essentially a C++ API, as opposed to the C-based OpenCV 1.x API (C API is deprecated and not tested with "C" compiler since OpenCV 2.4 releases)

OpenCV has a modular structure, which means that the package includes several shared or static libraries. The following modules are available:

  • Core functionality (core) - a compact module defining basic data structures, including the dense multi-dimensional array Mat and basic functions used by all other modules.
  • Image Processing (imgproc) - an image processing module that includes linear and non-linear image filtering, geometrical image transformations (resize, affine and perspective warping, generic table-based remapping), color space conversion, histograms, and so on.
  • Video Analysis (video) - a video analysis module that includes motion estimation, background subtraction, and object tracking algorithms.
  • 3d (3d) - basic multiple-view geometry algorithms, object pose estimation and elements of 3D reconstruction.
  • 2D Features Framework (features2d) - salient feature detectors, descriptors, and descriptor matchers.
  • Object Detection (objdetect) - detection of objects and instances of the predefined classes (for example, faces, eyes, mugs, people, cars, and so on).
  • Camera Calibration (calib) - single and stereo camera calibration
  • Stereo Correspondence (stereo) - stereo correspondence algorithms
  • High-level GUI (highgui) - an easy-to-use interface to simple UI capabilities.
  • Video I/O (videoio) - an easy-to-use interface to video capturing and video codecs.
  • ... some other helper modules, such as FLANN and Google test wrappers, Python bindings, and others.


This is a quickstart guide of howto use this

Default Configuration

  • Working Directory


  • Default user


  • Default password


  • Default password4root



Swarmlab services can be run in different ways.


git clone ...



make help

create service

make create

start service

make start

stop service

make stop

list service

make list

clean service

make clean