3 years ago | |
images | 3 years ago | |
install | 3 years ago | |
LICENSE | 3 years ago | |
Makefile | 3 years ago | |
README.md | 3 years ago | |
check-open.sh | 3 years ago |
Swarmlab is a collection of services that aims to
provide teachers and professors with online remote tools to do their lessons
give students the opportunity to study real life examples in their chosen area of expertise
allow developers to fully test and debug their applications and provide POC’s
or you simply want to use a Application (in a microservices-based architecture)
Swarmlab provides you with all the required tools, tools to teach work or try out demos in a completely virtual environment.
More info: http://docs.swarmlab.io/SwarmLab-HowTos/swarmlab/docs/swarmlab/docs/index.html
LabInstance debian perl
Perl is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. The Perl language borrows features from other programming languages, including C, shell scripting (sh), AWK, and sed.
Coexisting with Debian's /usr/bin/perl
The perl binary built for this image is installed in /usr/local/bin/perl, along with other standard tools in the Perl distribution such as prove and perldoc, as well as cpanm for installing CPAN modules. Containers running this image will also have their PATH enviroment set like /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin to ensure that this perl binary will be found first in normal usage.
As this official image of Docker is built using the buildpack-deps image (or debian:slim for :slim variants,) this image also contains a /usr/bin/perl as supplied by the Debian project. This is needed for the underlying dpkg/apt package management tools to work correctly, as docker-perl cannot be used here due to different configuration (such as @INC and installation paths, as well as other differences like whether -Dusethreads is included or not.)
See also https://github.com/Perl/docker-perl/issues/26 for an extended discussion.
This is a quickstart guide of howto use this LabInstance to deploy Vue js applications
HowTo use it
Default Configuration
- Working Directory
- Default user
- Default password
- Default password4root
Swarmlab services can be run in different ways.
- You can run them through the swarmlab hybrid environment (http://docs.swarmlab.io/SwarmLab-HowTos/swarmlab/docs/swarmlab/docs/hybrid/start-microservices.html)
- or use them individually at will on the command line of your system
git clone ...
make help
create service
make create
start service
make start
stop service
make stop
list service
make list
clean service
make clean