PowerShell or Microsoft PowerShell (formerly Windows PowerShell) is a task automation and configuration management program from Microsoft, consisting of a command-line shell and the associated scripting language. Initially a Windows component only, known as Windows PowerShell, it was made open-source and cross-platform on 18 August 2016 with the introduction of PowerShell Core. The former is built on the .NET Framework, the latter on .NET Core. The name Windows PowerShell is still present on the latest versions of Windows 11 and 10, but the latest versions of PowerShell are called PowerShell or Microsoft PowerShe
- You can run them **through the swarmlab hybrid environment** (http://docs.swarmlab.io/SwarmLab-HowTos/swarmlab/docs/swarmlab/docs/hybrid/start-microservices.html)
- or use them individually at will on the **command line of your system**