3 years ago | |
docs | 3 years ago | |
images | 3 years ago | |
install | 3 years ago | |
LICENSE | 3 years ago | |
Makefile | 3 years ago | |
README.md | 3 years ago | |
check-open.sh | 3 years ago |
Swarmlab is a collection of services that aims to
provide teachers and professors with online remote tools to do their lessons
give students the opportunity to study real life examples in their chosen area of expertise
allow developers to fully test and debug their applications and provide POC’s
or you simply want to use a Application (in a microservices-based architecture)
Swarmlab provides you with all the required tools, tools to teach work or try out demos in a completely virtual environment.
More info: http://docs.swarmlab.io/SwarmLab-HowTos/swarmlab/docs/swarmlab/docs/index.html
LabInstance snmpsim
This is a pure-Python, open source and free implementation of SNMP agents simulator distributed under 2-clause
- SNMPv1/v2c/v3 support
- SNMPv3 USM supports MD5/SHA/SHA224/SHA256/SHA384/SHA512 auth and DES/3DES/AES128/AES192/AES256 privacy crypto algorithms
- Runs over IPv4 and/or IPv6 transports
- Simulates many EngineID's, each with its own set of simulated objects
- Varies response based on SNMP Community, Context, source/destination addresses and ports
- Can gather and store snapshots of SNMP Agents for later simulation
- Can run simulation based on MIB files, snmpwalk and sapwalk output
- Can gather simulation data from network traffic or tcpdump snoops
- Can gather simulation data from external program invocation or a SQL database
- Can trigger SNMP TRAP/INFORMs on SET operations
- Capable to simultaneously simulate tens of thousands of Agents
- Offers REST API based control plane
- Gathers and reports extensive activity metrics
- Pure-Python, easy to deploy and highly portable
- Can be extended by loadable Python snippets
This is a quickstart guide of howto use this LabInstance
Default Configuration
- Working Directory
- Default user
- Default password
- Default password4root
SNMPv1/v2c/v3 support
SNMPv3 USM supports MD5/SHA/SHA224/SHA256/SHA384/SHA512 auth and DES/3DES/AES128/AES192/AES256 privacy crypto algorithms
Runs over IPv4 and/or IPv6 transports
Simulates many EngineID's, each with its own set of simulated objects
Varies response based on SNMP Community, Context, source/destination addresses and ports
Can gather and store snapshots of SNMP Agents for later simulation
Can run simulation based on MIB files, snmpwalk and sapwalk output
Can gather simulation data from network traffic or tcpdump snoops
Can gather simulation data from external program invocation or a SQL database
Can trigger SNMP TRAP/INFORMs on SET operations
Capable to simultaneously simulate tens of thousands of Agents
Offers REST API based control plane
Gathers and reports extensive activity metrics
Pure-Python, easy to deploy and highly portable
Can be extended by loadable Python snippets
How to use SNMP simulator
Run snmpsim-command-responder and point it to a directory with simulation data:
snmpsim-command-responder --data-dir=/home/docker/project/data --agent-udpv4-endpoint=
Simulation data is stored in simple plaint-text files having OID|TYPE|VALUE format:
cat /home/docker/project/data/public.snmprec|4|Linux SMP Tue Jun 19 14:58:11 CDT 2007 i686|6||67|233425120|4x|00127962f940|64x|c3dafe61
Detailed information on SNMP simulator usage could be found at snmpsim site (http://ww7.snmplabs.com/)
Swarmlab services can be run in different ways.
- You can run them through the swarmlab hybrid environment (http://docs.swarmlab.io/SwarmLab-HowTos/swarmlab/docs/swarmlab/docs/hybrid/start-microservices.html)
- or use them individually at will on the command line of your system
git clone ...
make help
create service
make create
start service
make start
stop service
make stop
list service
make list
clean service
make clean