\thesistitle{Swarmlab.io}% Your thesis title, this is used in the title and abstract, print it elsewhere with \ttitle
\supervisor{Dr. James \textsc{Smith}}% Your supervisor's name, this is used in the title page, print it elsewhere with \supname
\examiner{}% Your examiner's name, this is not currently used anywhere in the template, print it elsewhere with \examname
\degree{Δίπλωμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Μ.Σ.)}% Your degree name, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \degreename
\author{John \textsc{Smith}}% Your name, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \authorname
\addresses{}% Your address, this is not currently used anywhere in the template, print it elsewhere with \addressname
\subject{Δίκτυα Επικοινωνιών Νέας Γενιάς}% Your subject area, this is not currently used anywhere in the template, print it elsewhere with \subjectname
\keywords{}% Keywords for your thesis, this is not currently used anywhere in the template, print it elsewhere with \keywordnames
\university{\href{http://www.swarmlab.io}{Πανεπιστήμιο ... }}% Your university's name and URL, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \univname
\department{\href{http://docs.swarmlab.io/SwarmLab-HowTos/swarmlab/docs/swarmlab/docs/index.html/}{Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών}}% Your department's name and URL, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \deptname
\group{\href{http://docs.swarmlab.io/SwarmLab-HowTos/swarmlab/docs/swarmlab/docs/index.html}{Δίκτυα Επικοινωνιών κλπ}}% Your research group's name and URL, this is used in the title page, print it elsewhere with \groupname
\faculty{\href{http://docs.swarmlab.io/SwarmLab-HowTos/swarmlab/docs/swarmlab/docs/index.html}{Τμήμα ...}}% Your faculty's name and URL, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \facname
\hypersetup{pdftitle=\ttitle}% Set the PDF's title to your title
\hypersetup{pdfauthor=\authorname}% Set the PDF's author to your name
\hypersetup{pdfkeywords=\keywordnames}% Set the PDF's keywords to your keywords
{\setlength\itemindent{15pt}\item[-] #1}
% Translate list
% \def\abbrevname{Λίστα συντομογραφιών}%
\frontmatter% Use roman page numbering style (i, ii, iii, iv...) for the pre-content pages
\pagestyle{plain}% Default to the plain heading style until the thesis style is called for the body content
\addchaptertocentry{\authorshipname}% Add the declaration to the table of contents
\noindent I, \authorname, declare that this thesis titled, \enquote{\ttitle} and the work presented in it are my own. I confirm that:
\item This work was done wholly or mainly while in candidature for a research degree at this University.
\item Where any part of this thesis has previously been submitted for a degree or any other qualification at this University or any other institution, this has been clearly stated.
\item Where I have consulted the published work of others, this is always clearly attributed.
\item Where I have quoted from the work of others, the source is always given. With the exception of such quotations, this thesis is entirely my own work.
\item I have acknowledged all main sources of help.
\item Where the thesis is based on work done by myself jointly with others, I have made clear exactly what was done by others and what I have contributed myself.\\
\noindent Signed:\\
\rule[0.5em]{25em}{0.5pt}% This prints a line for the signature
\noindent Date:\\
\rule[0.5em]{25em}{0.5pt}% This prints a line to write the date
\noindent\enquote{\itshape Thanks to my solid academic training, today I can write hundreds of words on virtually any topic without possessing a shred of information, which is how I got a good job in journalism.}\bigbreak
\addchaptertocentry{\abstractname}% Add the abstract to the table of contents
The Thesis Abstract is written here (and usually kept to just this page). The page is kept centered vertically so can expand into the blank space above the title too\ldots