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59 lines
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set -e
set -o pipefail
echo "==> Install system packages"
#apk update
#apk --no-cache add \
# okular
# make \
# xz
# Install additional packages for non full scheme
if [ "$scheme" != "full" ]; then
# tlmgr install \
# fmtcount
# tlmgr update --self
echo "==> extra packages"
if [ -f $extrap ]; then
echo "no"
#while read -r line; do
#extrapackages="$extrapackages $line"
#done < $extrap
#tlmgr install $extrapackages
echo "No extrapackages file"
# cp /usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-var/fonts/conf/texlive-fontconfig.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/09-texlive.conf
# apk add --no-cache msttcorefonts-installer
# update-ms-fonts
# fc-cache -f
echo "==> Clean up"
rm -rf \
/opt/texlive/texdir/install-tl \
/opt/texlive/texdir/install-tl.log \
/opt/texlive/texdir/texmf-dist/doc \
/opt/texlive/texdir/texmf-dist/source \
/opt/texlive/texdir/texmf-var/web2c/tlmgr.log \
/root/.gnupg \
/texlive.profile \
/texlive_pgp_keys.asc \
/tmp/install-tl \