FROM alpine:3.13 AS base ARG asciidoctor_version=2.0.15 ARG asciidoctor_confluence_version=0.0.2 ARG asciidoctor_pdf_version=1.6.0 ARG asciidoctor_diagram_version=2.1.2 ARG asciidoctor_epub3_version=1.5.1 ARG asciidoctor_fb2_version=0.5.1 ARG asciidoctor_mathematical_version=0.3.5 ARG asciidoctor_revealjs_version=4.1.0 ARG kramdown_asciidoc_version=1.0.1 ARG asciidoctor_bibtex_version=0.8.0 ENV ASCIIDOCTOR_VERSION=${asciidoctor_version} \ ASCIIDOCTOR_CONFLUENCE_VERSION=${asciidoctor_confluence_version} \ ASCIIDOCTOR_PDF_VERSION=${asciidoctor_pdf_version} \ ASCIIDOCTOR_DIAGRAM_VERSION=${asciidoctor_diagram_version} \ ASCIIDOCTOR_EPUB3_VERSION=${asciidoctor_epub3_version} \ ASCIIDOCTOR_FB2_VERSION=${asciidoctor_fb2_version} \ ASCIIDOCTOR_MATHEMATICAL_VERSION=${asciidoctor_mathematical_version} \ ASCIIDOCTOR_REVEALJS_VERSION=${asciidoctor_revealjs_version} \ KRAMDOWN_ASCIIDOC_VERSION=${kramdown_asciidoc_version} \ ASCIIDOCTOR_BIBTEX_VERSION=${asciidoctor_bibtex_version} # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Minimal image with asciidoctor # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # FROM base AS main-minimal RUN echo "assemble minimal main image" # keep here to help --cache-from along LABEL MAINTAINERS="Guillaume Scheibel , Damien DUPORTAL " RUN apk add --no-cache \ ruby RUN gem install --no-document \ "asciidoctor:${ASCIIDOCTOR_VERSION}" \ "asciidoctor-pdf:${ASCIIDOCTOR_PDF_VERSION}" # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Haskell build for: erd # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # FROM base AS build-haskell RUN echo "building Haskell dependencies" # keep here to help --cache-from along RUN apk add --no-cache \ alpine-sdk \ cabal \ ghc-dev \ ghc \ gmp-dev \ gnupg \ libffi-dev \ linux-headers \ perl-utils \ wget \ xz \ zlib-dev RUN cabal v2-update \ && cabal v2-install erd # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Final image # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # FROM main-minimal AS main RUN echo "assemble comprehensive main image" # keep here to help --cache-from along LABEL MAINTAINERS="Guillaume Scheibel , Damien DUPORTAL " # Installing packagse required for the runtime of # any of the asciidoctor-* functionalities RUN apk add --no-cache \ bash \ curl \ ca-certificates \ findutils \ font-bakoma-ttf \ git \ graphviz \ inotify-tools \ make \ openjdk8-jre \ python3 \ py3-pillow \ py3-setuptools \ ruby-bigdecimal \ ruby-mathematical \ ruby-rake \ ttf-liberation \ ttf-dejavu \ tzdata \ unzip \ which \ font-noto-cjk # Installing Ruby Gems for additional functionality RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .rubymakedepends \ build-base \ libxml2-dev \ ruby-dev \ && gem install --no-document \ "asciidoctor-confluence:${ASCIIDOCTOR_CONFLUENCE_VERSION}" \ "asciidoctor-diagram:${ASCIIDOCTOR_DIAGRAM_VERSION}" \ "asciidoctor-epub3:${ASCIIDOCTOR_EPUB3_VERSION}" \ "asciidoctor-fb2:${ASCIIDOCTOR_FB2_VERSION}" \ "asciidoctor-mathematical:${ASCIIDOCTOR_MATHEMATICAL_VERSION}" \ asciimath \ "asciidoctor-revealjs:${ASCIIDOCTOR_REVEALJS_VERSION}" \ coderay \ epubcheck-ruby: \ haml \ "kramdown-asciidoc:${KRAMDOWN_ASCIIDOC_VERSION}" \ pygments.rb \ rouge \ slim \ thread_safe \ tilt \ text-hyphen \ "asciidoctor-bibtex:${ASCIIDOCTOR_BIBTEX_VERSION}" \ && apk del -r --no-cache .rubymakedepends # Installing Python dependencies for additional functionality # such as diagrams (blockdiag) or syntax highligthing RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .pythonmakedepends \ build-base \ python3-dev \ py3-pip \ && pip3 install --no-cache-dir \ actdiag \ 'blockdiag[pdf]' \ nwdiag \ seqdiag \ && apk del -r --no-cache .pythonmakedepends COPY --from=build-haskell root/.cabal/bin/erd /bin/ WORKDIR /documents VOLUME /documents CMD ["/bin/bash"]