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611 B

grep -v "rem_address" /proc/net/tcp | awk 'function hextonum(str, ret, n, i, k, c) {if (str ~ /^0[xX][0-9a-FA-F]+$/) {str = substr(str, 3);n = length(str);ret = 0;for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {c = substr(str, i, 1);c = tolower(c);k = index("123456789abcdef", c);ret = ret * 16 + k}} else ret = "NOT-A-NUMBER";return ret} {y=hextonum("0x"substr($2,index($2,":")-2,2));x=hextonum("0x"substr($3,index($3,":")-2,2));for (i=5; i>0; i-=2) {x = x"."hextonum("0x"substr($3,i,2));y = y"."hextonum("0x"substr($2,i,2));} print y":"hextonum("0x"substr($2,index($2,":")+1,4))" "x":"hextonum("0x"substr($3,index($3,":")+1,4));}'