/* * Jake JavaScript build tool * Copyright 2112 Matthew Eernisse (mde@fleegix.org) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ let fs = require('fs'); let parseargs = require('./parseargs'); let utils = require('./utils'); let Program; let usage = require('fs').readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../usage.txt`).toString(); let { Task } = require('./task/task'); function die(msg) { console.log(msg); process.stdout.write('', function () { process.stderr.write('', function () { process.exit(); }); }); } let preempts = { version: function () { die(jake.version); }, help: function () { die(usage); } }; let AVAILABLE_OPTS = [ { full: 'jakefile', abbr: 'f', expectValue: true }, { full: 'quiet', abbr: 'q', expectValue: false }, { full: 'directory', abbr: 'C', expectValue: true }, { full: 'always-make', abbr: 'B', expectValue: false }, { full: 'tasks', abbr: 'T', expectValue: false, allowValue: true }, // Alias t { full: 'tasks', abbr: 't', expectValue: false, allowValue: true }, // Alias ls { full: 'tasks', abbr: 'ls', expectValue: false, allowValue: true }, { full: 'help', abbr: 'h', }, { full: 'version', abbr: 'V', }, // Alias lowercase v { full: 'version', abbr: 'v', }, { full: 'jakelibdir', abbr: 'J', expectValue: true }, { full: 'allow-rejection', abbr: 'ar', expectValue: false } ]; Program = function () { this.availableOpts = AVAILABLE_OPTS; this.opts = {}; this.taskNames = null; this.taskArgs = null; this.envVars = null; this.die = die; }; Program.prototype = new (function () { this.handleErr = function (err) { if (jake.listeners('error').length !== 0) { jake.emit('error', err); return; } if (jake.listeners('error').length) { jake.emit('error', err); return; } utils.logger.error('jake aborted.'); if (err.stack) { utils.logger.error(err.stack); } else { utils.logger.error(err.message); } process.stdout.write('', function () { process.stderr.write('', function () { jake.errorCode = jake.errorCode || 1; process.exit(jake.errorCode); }); }); }; this.parseArgs = function (args) { let result = (new parseargs.Parser(this.availableOpts)).parse(args); this.setOpts(result.opts); this.setTaskNames(result.taskNames); this.setEnvVars(result.envVars); }; this.setOpts = function (options) { let opts = options || {}; Object.assign(this.opts, opts); }; this.internalOpts = function (options) { this.availableOpts = this.availableOpts.concat(options); }; this.autocompletions = function (cur) { let p; let i; let task; let commonPrefix = ''; let matches = []; for (p in jake.Task) { task = jake.Task[p]; if ( 'fullName' in task && ( // if empty string, program converts to true cur === true || task.fullName.indexOf(cur) === 0 ) ) { if (matches.length === 0) { commonPrefix = task.fullName; } else { for (i = commonPrefix.length; i > -1; --i) { commonPrefix = commonPrefix.substr(0, i); if (task.fullName.indexOf(commonPrefix) === 0) { break; } } } matches.push(task.fullName); } } if (matches.length > 1 && commonPrefix === cur) { matches.unshift('yes-space'); } else { matches.unshift('no-space'); } process.stdout.write(matches.join(' ')); }; this.setTaskNames = function (names) { if (names && !Array.isArray(names)) { throw new Error('Task names must be an array'); } this.taskNames = (names && names.length) ? names : ['default']; }; this.setEnvVars = function (vars) { this.envVars = vars || null; }; this.firstPreemptiveOption = function () { let opts = this.opts; for (let p in opts) { if (preempts[p]) { return preempts[p]; } } return false; }; this.init = function (configuration) { let self = this; let config = configuration || {}; if (config.options) { this.setOpts(config.options); } if (config.taskNames) { this.setTaskNames(config.taskNames); } if (config.envVars) { this.setEnvVars(config.envVars); } process.addListener('uncaughtException', function (err) { self.handleErr(err); }); if (!this.opts['allow-rejection']) { process.addListener('unhandledRejection', (reason, promise) => { utils.logger.error('Unhandled rejection at:', promise, 'reason:', reason); self.handleErr(reason); }); } if (this.envVars) { Object.assign(process.env, this.envVars); } }; this.run = function () { let rootTask; let taskNames; let dirname; let opts = this.opts; if (opts.autocomplete) { return this.autocompletions(opts['autocomplete-cur'], opts['autocomplete-prev']); } // Run with `jake -T`, just show descriptions if (opts.tasks) { return jake.showAllTaskDescriptions(opts.tasks); } taskNames = this.taskNames; if (!(Array.isArray(taskNames) && taskNames.length)) { throw new Error('Please pass jake.runTasks an array of task-names'); } // Set working dir dirname = opts.directory; if (dirname) { if (fs.existsSync(dirname) && fs.statSync(dirname).isDirectory()) { process.chdir(dirname); } else { throw new Error(dirname + ' is not a valid directory path'); } } rootTask = task(Task.ROOT_TASK_NAME, taskNames, function () {}); rootTask._internal = true; rootTask.once('complete', function () { jake.emit('complete'); }); jake.emit('start'); rootTask.invoke(); }; })(); module.exports.Program = Program;