'use strict'; /*! * Module dependencies. */ const CastError = require('../error/cast'); const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; const ObjectExpectedError = require('../error/objectExpected'); const SchemaSingleNestedOptions = require('../options/SchemaSingleNestedOptions'); const SchemaType = require('../schematype'); const $exists = require('./operators/exists'); const castToNumber = require('./operators/helpers').castToNumber; const discriminator = require('../helpers/model/discriminator'); const geospatial = require('./operators/geospatial'); const get = require('../helpers/get'); const getConstructor = require('../helpers/discriminator/getConstructor'); const handleIdOption = require('../helpers/schema/handleIdOption'); const internalToObjectOptions = require('../options').internalToObjectOptions; let Subdocument; module.exports = SingleNestedPath; /** * Single nested subdocument SchemaType constructor. * * @param {Schema} schema * @param {String} key * @param {Object} options * @inherits SchemaType * @api public */ function SingleNestedPath(schema, path, options) { schema = handleIdOption(schema, options); this.caster = _createConstructor(schema); this.caster.path = path; this.caster.prototype.$basePath = path; this.schema = schema; this.$isSingleNested = true; SchemaType.call(this, path, options, 'Embedded'); } /*! * ignore */ SingleNestedPath.prototype = Object.create(SchemaType.prototype); SingleNestedPath.prototype.constructor = SingleNestedPath; SingleNestedPath.prototype.OptionsConstructor = SchemaSingleNestedOptions; /*! * ignore */ function _createConstructor(schema, baseClass) { // lazy load Subdocument || (Subdocument = require('../types/subdocument')); const _embedded = function SingleNested(value, path, parent) { const _this = this; this.$parent = parent; Subdocument.apply(this, arguments); this.$session(this.ownerDocument().$session()); if (parent) { parent.on('save', function() { _this.emit('save', _this); _this.constructor.emit('save', _this); }); parent.on('isNew', function(val) { _this.isNew = val; _this.emit('isNew', val); _this.constructor.emit('isNew', val); }); } }; const proto = baseClass != null ? baseClass.prototype : Subdocument.prototype; _embedded.prototype = Object.create(proto); _embedded.prototype.$__setSchema(schema); _embedded.prototype.constructor = _embedded; _embedded.schema = schema; _embedded.$isSingleNested = true; _embedded.events = new EventEmitter(); _embedded.prototype.toBSON = function() { return this.toObject(internalToObjectOptions); }; // apply methods for (const i in schema.methods) { _embedded.prototype[i] = schema.methods[i]; } // apply statics for (const i in schema.statics) { _embedded[i] = schema.statics[i]; } for (const i in EventEmitter.prototype) { _embedded[i] = EventEmitter.prototype[i]; } return _embedded; } /*! * Special case for when users use a common location schema to represent * locations for use with $geoWithin. * https://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query/geoWithin/ * * @param {Object} val * @api private */ SingleNestedPath.prototype.$conditionalHandlers.$geoWithin = function handle$geoWithin(val) { return { $geometry: this.castForQuery(val.$geometry) }; }; /*! * ignore */ SingleNestedPath.prototype.$conditionalHandlers.$near = SingleNestedPath.prototype.$conditionalHandlers.$nearSphere = geospatial.cast$near; SingleNestedPath.prototype.$conditionalHandlers.$within = SingleNestedPath.prototype.$conditionalHandlers.$geoWithin = geospatial.cast$within; SingleNestedPath.prototype.$conditionalHandlers.$geoIntersects = geospatial.cast$geoIntersects; SingleNestedPath.prototype.$conditionalHandlers.$minDistance = castToNumber; SingleNestedPath.prototype.$conditionalHandlers.$maxDistance = castToNumber; SingleNestedPath.prototype.$conditionalHandlers.$exists = $exists; /** * Casts contents * * @param {Object} value * @api private */ SingleNestedPath.prototype.cast = function(val, doc, init, priorVal) { if (val && val.$isSingleNested && val.parent === doc) { return val; } if (val != null && (typeof val !== 'object' || Array.isArray(val))) { throw new ObjectExpectedError(this.path, val); } const Constructor = getConstructor(this.caster, val); let subdoc; // Only pull relevant selected paths and pull out the base path const parentSelected = get(doc, '$__.selected', {}); const path = this.path; const selected = Object.keys(parentSelected).reduce((obj, key) => { if (key.startsWith(path + '.')) { obj[key.substr(path.length + 1)] = parentSelected[key]; } return obj; }, {}); if (init) { subdoc = new Constructor(void 0, selected, doc); subdoc.init(val); } else { if (Object.keys(val).length === 0) { return new Constructor({}, selected, doc); } return new Constructor(val, selected, doc, undefined, { priorDoc: priorVal }); } return subdoc; }; /** * Casts contents for query * * @param {string} [$conditional] optional query operator (like `$eq` or `$in`) * @param {any} value * @api private */ SingleNestedPath.prototype.castForQuery = function($conditional, val, options) { let handler; if (arguments.length === 2) { handler = this.$conditionalHandlers[$conditional]; if (!handler) { throw new Error('Can\'t use ' + $conditional); } return handler.call(this, val); } val = $conditional; if (val == null) { return val; } if (this.options.runSetters) { val = this._applySetters(val); } const Constructor = getConstructor(this.caster, val); const overrideStrict = options != null && options.strict != null ? options.strict : void 0; try { val = new Constructor(val, overrideStrict); } catch (error) { // Make sure we always wrap in a CastError (gh-6803) if (!(error instanceof CastError)) { throw new CastError('Embedded', val, this.path, error, this); } throw error; } return val; }; /** * Async validation on this single nested doc. * * @api private */ SingleNestedPath.prototype.doValidate = function(value, fn, scope, options) { const Constructor = getConstructor(this.caster, value); if (options && options.skipSchemaValidators) { if (!(value instanceof Constructor)) { value = new Constructor(value, null, scope); } return value.validate(fn); } SchemaType.prototype.doValidate.call(this, value, function(error) { if (error) { return fn(error); } if (!value) { return fn(null); } value.validate(fn); }, scope, options); }; /** * Synchronously validate this single nested doc * * @api private */ SingleNestedPath.prototype.doValidateSync = function(value, scope, options) { if (!options || !options.skipSchemaValidators) { const schemaTypeError = SchemaType.prototype.doValidateSync.call(this, value, scope); if (schemaTypeError) { return schemaTypeError; } } if (!value) { return; } return value.validateSync(); }; /** * Adds a discriminator to this single nested subdocument. * * ####Example: * const shapeSchema = Schema({ name: String }, { discriminatorKey: 'kind' }); * const schema = Schema({ shape: shapeSchema }); * * const singleNestedPath = parentSchema.path('shape'); * singleNestedPath.discriminator('Circle', Schema({ radius: Number })); * * @param {String} name * @param {Schema} schema fields to add to the schema for instances of this sub-class * @param {String} [value] the string stored in the `discriminatorKey` property. If not specified, Mongoose uses the `name` parameter. * @return {Function} the constructor Mongoose will use for creating instances of this discriminator model * @see discriminators /docs/discriminators.html * @api public */ SingleNestedPath.prototype.discriminator = function(name, schema, value) { schema = discriminator(this.caster, name, schema, value); this.caster.discriminators[name] = _createConstructor(schema, this.caster); return this.caster.discriminators[name]; }; /*! * ignore */ SingleNestedPath.prototype.clone = function() { const options = Object.assign({}, this.options); const schematype = new this.constructor(this.schema, this.path, options); schematype.validators = this.validators.slice(); schematype.caster.discriminators = Object.assign({}, this.caster.discriminators); return schematype; };