'use strict'; var stream = require('stream'), util = require('util'); module.exports = GridFSBucketReadStream; /** * A readable stream that enables you to read buffers from GridFS. * * Do not instantiate this class directly. Use `openDownloadStream()` instead. * * @class * @extends external:Readable * @param {Collection} chunks Handle for chunks collection * @param {Collection} files Handle for files collection * @param {Object} readPreference The read preference to use * @param {Object} filter The query to use to find the file document * @param {Object} [options] Optional settings. * @param {Number} [options.sort] Optional sort for the file find query * @param {Number} [options.skip] Optional skip for the file find query * @param {Number} [options.start] Optional 0-based offset in bytes to start streaming from * @param {Number} [options.end] Optional 0-based offset in bytes to stop streaming before * @fires GridFSBucketReadStream#error * @fires GridFSBucketReadStream#file */ function GridFSBucketReadStream(chunks, files, readPreference, filter, options) { this.s = { bytesRead: 0, chunks: chunks, cursor: null, expected: 0, files: files, filter: filter, init: false, expectedEnd: 0, file: null, options: options, readPreference: readPreference }; stream.Readable.call(this); } util.inherits(GridFSBucketReadStream, stream.Readable); /** * An error occurred * * @event GridFSBucketReadStream#error * @type {Error} */ /** * Fires when the stream loaded the file document corresponding to the * provided id. * * @event GridFSBucketReadStream#file * @type {object} */ /** * Emitted when a chunk of data is available to be consumed. * * @event GridFSBucketReadStream#data * @type {object} */ /** * Fired when the stream is exhausted (no more data events). * * @event GridFSBucketReadStream#end * @type {object} */ /** * Fired when the stream is exhausted and the underlying cursor is killed * * @event GridFSBucketReadStream#close * @type {object} */ /** * Reads from the cursor and pushes to the stream. * Private Impl, do not call directly * @ignore * @method */ GridFSBucketReadStream.prototype._read = function() { var _this = this; if (this.destroyed) { return; } waitForFile(_this, function() { doRead(_this); }); }; /** * Sets the 0-based offset in bytes to start streaming from. Throws * an error if this stream has entered flowing mode * (e.g. if you've already called `on('data')`) * @method * @param {Number} start Offset in bytes to start reading at * @return {GridFSBucketReadStream} Reference to Self */ GridFSBucketReadStream.prototype.start = function(start) { throwIfInitialized(this); this.s.options.start = start; return this; }; /** * Sets the 0-based offset in bytes to start streaming from. Throws * an error if this stream has entered flowing mode * (e.g. if you've already called `on('data')`) * @method * @param {Number} end Offset in bytes to stop reading at * @return {GridFSBucketReadStream} Reference to self */ GridFSBucketReadStream.prototype.end = function(end) { throwIfInitialized(this); this.s.options.end = end; return this; }; /** * Marks this stream as aborted (will never push another `data` event) * and kills the underlying cursor. Will emit the 'end' event, and then * the 'close' event once the cursor is successfully killed. * * @method * @param {GridFSBucket~errorCallback} [callback] called when the cursor is successfully closed or an error occurred. * @fires GridFSBucketWriteStream#close * @fires GridFSBucketWriteStream#end */ GridFSBucketReadStream.prototype.abort = function(callback) { var _this = this; this.push(null); this.destroyed = true; if (this.s.cursor) { this.s.cursor.close(function(error) { _this.emit('close'); callback && callback(error); }); } else { if (!this.s.init) { // If not initialized, fire close event because we will never // get a cursor _this.emit('close'); } callback && callback(); } }; /** * @ignore */ function throwIfInitialized(self) { if (self.s.init) { throw new Error('You cannot change options after the stream has entered' + 'flowing mode!'); } } /** * @ignore */ function doRead(_this) { if (_this.destroyed) { return; } _this.s.cursor.next(function(error, doc) { if (_this.destroyed) { return; } if (error) { return __handleError(_this, error); } if (!doc) { _this.push(null); process.nextTick(() => { _this.s.cursor.close(function(error) { if (error) { __handleError(_this, error); return; } _this.emit('close'); }); }); return; } var bytesRemaining = _this.s.file.length - _this.s.bytesRead; var expectedN = _this.s.expected++; var expectedLength = Math.min(_this.s.file.chunkSize, bytesRemaining); if (doc.n > expectedN) { var errmsg = 'ChunkIsMissing: Got unexpected n: ' + doc.n + ', expected: ' + expectedN; return __handleError(_this, new Error(errmsg)); } if (doc.n < expectedN) { errmsg = 'ExtraChunk: Got unexpected n: ' + doc.n + ', expected: ' + expectedN; return __handleError(_this, new Error(errmsg)); } var buf = Buffer.isBuffer(doc.data) ? doc.data : doc.data.buffer; if (buf.length !== expectedLength) { if (bytesRemaining <= 0) { errmsg = 'ExtraChunk: Got unexpected n: ' + doc.n; return __handleError(_this, new Error(errmsg)); } errmsg = 'ChunkIsWrongSize: Got unexpected length: ' + buf.length + ', expected: ' + expectedLength; return __handleError(_this, new Error(errmsg)); } _this.s.bytesRead += buf.length; if (buf.length === 0) { return _this.push(null); } var sliceStart = null; var sliceEnd = null; if (_this.s.bytesToSkip != null) { sliceStart = _this.s.bytesToSkip; _this.s.bytesToSkip = 0; } const atEndOfStream = expectedN === _this.s.expectedEnd - 1; const bytesLeftToRead = _this.s.options.end - _this.s.bytesToSkip; if (atEndOfStream && _this.s.bytesToTrim != null) { sliceEnd = _this.s.file.chunkSize - _this.s.bytesToTrim; } else if (_this.s.options.end && bytesLeftToRead < doc.data.length()) { sliceEnd = bytesLeftToRead; } if (sliceStart != null || sliceEnd != null) { buf = buf.slice(sliceStart || 0, sliceEnd || buf.length); } _this.push(buf); }); } /** * @ignore */ function init(self) { var findOneOptions = {}; if (self.s.readPreference) { findOneOptions.readPreference = self.s.readPreference; } if (self.s.options && self.s.options.sort) { findOneOptions.sort = self.s.options.sort; } if (self.s.options && self.s.options.skip) { findOneOptions.skip = self.s.options.skip; } self.s.files.findOne(self.s.filter, findOneOptions, function(error, doc) { if (error) { return __handleError(self, error); } if (!doc) { var identifier = self.s.filter._id ? self.s.filter._id.toString() : self.s.filter.filename; var errmsg = 'FileNotFound: file ' + identifier + ' was not found'; var err = new Error(errmsg); err.code = 'ENOENT'; return __handleError(self, err); } // If document is empty, kill the stream immediately and don't // execute any reads if (doc.length <= 0) { self.push(null); return; } if (self.destroyed) { // If user destroys the stream before we have a cursor, wait // until the query is done to say we're 'closed' because we can't // cancel a query. self.emit('close'); return; } self.s.bytesToSkip = handleStartOption(self, doc, self.s.options); var filter = { files_id: doc._id }; // Currently (MongoDB 3.4.4) skip function does not support the index, // it needs to retrieve all the documents first and then skip them. (CS-25811) // As work around we use $gte on the "n" field. if (self.s.options && self.s.options.start != null) { var skip = Math.floor(self.s.options.start / doc.chunkSize); if (skip > 0) { filter['n'] = { $gte: skip }; } } self.s.cursor = self.s.chunks.find(filter).sort({ n: 1 }); if (self.s.readPreference) { self.s.cursor.setReadPreference(self.s.readPreference); } self.s.expectedEnd = Math.ceil(doc.length / doc.chunkSize); self.s.file = doc; self.s.bytesToTrim = handleEndOption(self, doc, self.s.cursor, self.s.options); self.emit('file', doc); }); } /** * @ignore */ function waitForFile(_this, callback) { if (_this.s.file) { return callback(); } if (!_this.s.init) { init(_this); _this.s.init = true; } _this.once('file', function() { callback(); }); } /** * @ignore */ function handleStartOption(stream, doc, options) { if (options && options.start != null) { if (options.start > doc.length) { throw new Error( 'Stream start (' + options.start + ') must not be ' + 'more than the length of the file (' + doc.length + ')' ); } if (options.start < 0) { throw new Error('Stream start (' + options.start + ') must not be ' + 'negative'); } if (options.end != null && options.end < options.start) { throw new Error( 'Stream start (' + options.start + ') must not be ' + 'greater than stream end (' + options.end + ')' ); } stream.s.bytesRead = Math.floor(options.start / doc.chunkSize) * doc.chunkSize; stream.s.expected = Math.floor(options.start / doc.chunkSize); return options.start - stream.s.bytesRead; } } /** * @ignore */ function handleEndOption(stream, doc, cursor, options) { if (options && options.end != null) { if (options.end > doc.length) { throw new Error( 'Stream end (' + options.end + ') must not be ' + 'more than the length of the file (' + doc.length + ')' ); } if (options.start < 0) { throw new Error('Stream end (' + options.end + ') must not be ' + 'negative'); } var start = options.start != null ? Math.floor(options.start / doc.chunkSize) : 0; cursor.limit(Math.ceil(options.end / doc.chunkSize) - start); stream.s.expectedEnd = Math.ceil(options.end / doc.chunkSize); return Math.ceil(options.end / doc.chunkSize) * doc.chunkSize - options.end; } } /** * @ignore */ function __handleError(_this, error) { _this.emit('error', error); }