Simple Chat Room in NodeJS, expressJS and mongoDB in Docker Swarm
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
747 B

'use strict';
const co = require('co');
co(function*() {
var ReplSet = require('mongodb-topology-manager').ReplSet;
// Create new instance
var topology = new ReplSet('mongod', [{
// mongod process options
options: {
bind_ip: 'localhost', port: 31000, dbpath: `/data/db/31000`
}, {
// mongod process options
options: {
bind_ip: 'localhost', port: 31001, dbpath: `/data/db/31001`
}, {
// Type of node
arbiterOnly: true,
// mongod process options
options: {
bind_ip: 'localhost', port: 31002, dbpath: `/data/db/31002`
}], {
replSet: 'rs'
yield topology.start();
}).catch(error => {