Simple Chat Room in NodeJS, expressJS and mongoDB in Docker Swarm
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

688 lines
22 KiB

'use strict';
const URL = require('url');
const qs = require('querystring');
const dns = require('dns');
const MongoParseError = require('./error').MongoParseError;
const ReadPreference = require('./topologies/read_preference');
* The following regular expression validates a connection string and breaks the
* provide string into the following capture groups: [protocol, username, password, hosts]
const HOSTS_RX = /(mongodb(?:\+srv|)):\/\/(?: (?:[^:]*) (?: : ([^@]*) )? @ )?([^/?]*)(?:\/|)(.*)/;
* Determines whether a provided address matches the provided parent domain in order
* to avoid certain attack vectors.
* @param {String} srvAddress The address to check against a domain
* @param {String} parentDomain The domain to check the provided address against
* @return {Boolean} Whether the provided address matches the parent domain
function matchesParentDomain(srvAddress, parentDomain) {
const regex = /^.*?\./;
const srv = `.${srvAddress.replace(regex, '')}`;
const parent = `.${parentDomain.replace(regex, '')}`;
return srv.endsWith(parent);
* Lookup a `mongodb+srv` connection string, combine the parts and reparse it as a normal
* connection string.
* @param {string} uri The connection string to parse
* @param {object} options Optional user provided connection string options
* @param {function} callback
function parseSrvConnectionString(uri, options, callback) {
const result = URL.parse(uri, true);
if (result.hostname.split('.').length < 3) {
return callback(new MongoParseError('URI does not have hostname, domain name and tld'));
result.domainLength = result.hostname.split('.').length;
if (result.pathname && result.pathname.match(',')) {
return callback(new MongoParseError('Invalid URI, cannot contain multiple hostnames'));
if (result.port) {
return callback(new MongoParseError(`Ports not accepted with '${PROTOCOL_MONGODB_SRV}' URIs`));
// Resolve the SRV record and use the result as the list of hosts to connect to.
const lookupAddress =;
dns.resolveSrv(`_mongodb._tcp.${lookupAddress}`, (err, addresses) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (addresses.length === 0) {
return callback(new MongoParseError('No addresses found at host'));
for (let i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
if (!matchesParentDomain(addresses[i].name, result.hostname, result.domainLength)) {
return callback(
new MongoParseError('Server record does not share hostname with parent URI')
// Convert the original URL to a non-SRV URL.
result.protocol = 'mongodb'; = => `${}:${address.port}`).join(',');
// Default to SSL true if it's not specified.
if (
!('ssl' in options) &&
(! || !('ssl' in result.query) || result.query.ssl === null)
) {
result.query.ssl = true;
// Resolve TXT record and add options from there if they exist.
dns.resolveTxt(lookupAddress, (err, record) => {
if (err) {
if (err.code !== 'ENODATA') {
return callback(err);
record = null;
if (record) {
if (record.length > 1) {
return callback(new MongoParseError('Multiple text records not allowed'));
record = qs.parse(record[0].join(''));
if (Object.keys(record).some(key => key !== 'authSource' && key !== 'replicaSet')) {
return callback(
new MongoParseError('Text record must only set `authSource` or `replicaSet`')
result.query = Object.assign({}, record, result.query);
// Set completed options back into the URL object. = qs.stringify(result.query);
const finalString = URL.format(result);
parseConnectionString(finalString, options, (err, ret) => {
if (err) {
callback(null, Object.assign({}, ret, { srvHost: lookupAddress }));
* Parses a query string item according to the connection string spec
* @param {string} key The key for the parsed value
* @param {Array|String} value The value to parse
* @return {Array|Object|String} The parsed value
function parseQueryStringItemValue(key, value) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
// deduplicate and simplify arrays
value = value.filter((v, idx) => value.indexOf(v) === idx);
if (value.length === 1) value = value[0];
} else if (value.indexOf(':') > 0) {
value = value.split(',').reduce((result, pair) => {
const parts = pair.split(':');
result[parts[0]] = parseQueryStringItemValue(key, parts[1]);
return result;
}, {});
} else if (value.indexOf(',') > 0) {
value = value.split(',').map(v => {
return parseQueryStringItemValue(key, v);
} else if (value.toLowerCase() === 'true' || value.toLowerCase() === 'false') {
value = value.toLowerCase() === 'true';
} else if (!Number.isNaN(value) && !STRING_OPTIONS.has(key)) {
const numericValue = parseFloat(value);
if (!Number.isNaN(numericValue)) {
value = parseFloat(value);
return value;
// Options that are known boolean types
const BOOLEAN_OPTIONS = new Set([
// Known string options, only used to bypass Number coercion in `parseQueryStringItemValue`
const STRING_OPTIONS = new Set(['authsource', 'replicaset']);
// Supported text representations of auth mechanisms
// NOTE: this list exists in native already, if it is merged here we should deduplicate
const AUTH_MECHANISMS = new Set([
// Lookup table used to translate normalized (lower-cased) forms of connection string
// options to their expected camelCase version
replicaset: 'replicaSet',
connecttimeoutms: 'connectTimeoutMS',
sockettimeoutms: 'socketTimeoutMS',
maxpoolsize: 'maxPoolSize',
minpoolsize: 'minPoolSize',
maxidletimems: 'maxIdleTimeMS',
waitqueuemultiple: 'waitQueueMultiple',
waitqueuetimeoutms: 'waitQueueTimeoutMS',
wtimeoutms: 'wtimeoutMS',
readconcern: 'readConcern',
readconcernlevel: 'readConcernLevel',
readpreference: 'readPreference',
maxstalenessseconds: 'maxStalenessSeconds',
readpreferencetags: 'readPreferenceTags',
authsource: 'authSource',
authmechanism: 'authMechanism',
authmechanismproperties: 'authMechanismProperties',
gssapiservicename: 'gssapiServiceName',
localthresholdms: 'localThresholdMS',
serverselectiontimeoutms: 'serverSelectionTimeoutMS',
serverselectiontryonce: 'serverSelectionTryOnce',
heartbeatfrequencyms: 'heartbeatFrequencyMS',
retrywrites: 'retryWrites',
uuidrepresentation: 'uuidRepresentation',
zlibcompressionlevel: 'zlibCompressionLevel',
tlsallowinvalidcertificates: 'tlsAllowInvalidCertificates',
tlsallowinvalidhostnames: 'tlsAllowInvalidHostnames',
tlsinsecure: 'tlsInsecure',
tlscafile: 'tlsCAFile',
tlscertificatekeyfile: 'tlsCertificateKeyFile',
tlscertificatekeyfilepassword: 'tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword',
wtimeout: 'wTimeoutMS',
j: 'journal'
* Sets the value for `key`, allowing for any required translation
* @param {object} obj The object to set the key on
* @param {string} key The key to set the value for
* @param {*} value The value to set
* @param {object} options The options used for option parsing
function applyConnectionStringOption(obj, key, value, options) {
// simple key translation
if (key === 'journal') {
key = 'j';
} else if (key === 'wtimeoutms') {
key = 'wtimeout';
// more complicated translation
if (BOOLEAN_OPTIONS.has(key)) {
value = value === 'true' || value === true;
} else if (key === 'appname') {
value = decodeURIComponent(value);
} else if (key === 'readconcernlevel') {
obj['readConcernLevel'] = value;
key = 'readconcern';
value = { level: value };
// simple validation
if (key === 'compressors') {
value = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];
if (!value.every(c => c === 'snappy' || c === 'zlib')) {
throw new MongoParseError(
'Value for `compressors` must be at least one of: `snappy`, `zlib`'
if (key === 'authmechanism' && !AUTH_MECHANISMS.has(value)) {
throw new MongoParseError(
'Value for `authMechanism` must be one of: `DEFAULT`, `GSSAPI`, `PLAIN`, `MONGODB-X509`, `SCRAM-SHA-1`, `SCRAM-SHA-256`'
if (key === 'readpreference' && !ReadPreference.isValid(value)) {
throw new MongoParseError(
'Value for `readPreference` must be one of: `primary`, `primaryPreferred`, `secondary`, `secondaryPreferred`, `nearest`'
if (key === 'zlibcompressionlevel' && (value < -1 || value > 9)) {
throw new MongoParseError('zlibCompressionLevel must be an integer between -1 and 9');
// special cases
if (key === 'compressors' || key === 'zlibcompressionlevel') {
obj.compression = obj.compression || {};
obj = obj.compression;
if (key === 'authmechanismproperties') {
if (typeof value.SERVICE_NAME === 'string') obj.gssapiServiceName = value.SERVICE_NAME;
if (typeof value.SERVICE_REALM === 'string') obj.gssapiServiceRealm = value.SERVICE_REALM;
if (typeof value.CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME !== 'undefined') {
obj.gssapiCanonicalizeHostName = value.CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME;
if (key === 'readpreferencetags') {
value = Array.isArray(value) ? splitArrayOfMultipleReadPreferenceTags(value) : [value];
// set the actual value
if (options.caseTranslate && CASE_TRANSLATION[key]) {
obj[CASE_TRANSLATION[key]] = value;
obj[key] = value;
function splitArrayOfMultipleReadPreferenceTags(value) {
const parsedTags = [];
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
parsedTags[i] = {};
value[i].split(',').forEach(individualTag => {
const splitTag = individualTag.split(':');
parsedTags[i][splitTag[0]] = splitTag[1];
return parsedTags;
* Modifies the parsed connection string object taking into account expectations we
* have for authentication-related options.
* @param {object} parsed The parsed connection string result
* @return The parsed connection string result possibly modified for auth expectations
function applyAuthExpectations(parsed) {
if (parsed.options == null) {
const options = parsed.options;
const authSource = options.authsource || options.authSource;
if (authSource != null) {
parsed.auth = Object.assign({}, parsed.auth, { db: authSource });
const authMechanism = options.authmechanism || options.authMechanism;
if (authMechanism != null) {
if (
(!parsed.auth || parsed.auth.username == null)
) {
throw new MongoParseError(`Username required for mechanism \`${authMechanism}\``);
if (authMechanism === 'GSSAPI') {
if (authSource != null && authSource !== '$external') {
throw new MongoParseError(
`Invalid source \`${authSource}\` for mechanism \`${authMechanism}\` specified.`
parsed.auth = Object.assign({}, parsed.auth, { db: '$external' });
if (authMechanism === 'MONGODB-X509') {
if (parsed.auth && parsed.auth.password != null) {
throw new MongoParseError(`Password not allowed for mechanism \`${authMechanism}\``);
if (authSource != null && authSource !== '$external') {
throw new MongoParseError(
`Invalid source \`${authSource}\` for mechanism \`${authMechanism}\` specified.`
parsed.auth = Object.assign({}, parsed.auth, { db: '$external' });
if (authMechanism === 'PLAIN') {
if (parsed.auth && parsed.auth.db == null) {
parsed.auth = Object.assign({}, parsed.auth, { db: '$external' });
// default to `admin` if nothing else was resolved
if (parsed.auth && parsed.auth.db == null) {
parsed.auth = Object.assign({}, parsed.auth, { db: 'admin' });
return parsed;
* Parses a query string according the connection string spec.
* @param {String} query The query string to parse
* @param {object} [options] The options used for options parsing
* @return {Object|Error} The parsed query string as an object, or an error if one was encountered
function parseQueryString(query, options) {
const result = {};
let parsedQueryString = qs.parse(query);
for (const key in parsedQueryString) {
const value = parsedQueryString[key];
if (value === '' || value == null) {
throw new MongoParseError('Incomplete key value pair for option');
const normalizedKey = key.toLowerCase();
const parsedValue = parseQueryStringItemValue(normalizedKey, value);
applyConnectionStringOption(result, normalizedKey, parsedValue, options);
// special cases for known deprecated options
if (result.wtimeout && result.wtimeoutms) {
delete result.wtimeout;
console.warn('Unsupported option `wtimeout` specified');
return Object.keys(result).length ? result : null;
/// Adds support for modern `tls` variants of out `ssl` options
function translateTLSOptions(queryString) {
if (queryString.tls) {
queryString.ssl = queryString.tls;
if (queryString.tlsInsecure) {
queryString.checkServerIdentity = false;
queryString.sslValidate = false;
} else {
Object.assign(queryString, {
checkServerIdentity: queryString.tlsAllowInvalidHostnames ? false : true,
sslValidate: queryString.tlsAllowInvalidCertificates ? false : true
if (queryString.tlsCAFile) {
queryString.ssl = true;
queryString.sslCA = queryString.tlsCAFile;
if (queryString.tlsCertificateKeyFile) {
queryString.ssl = true;
if (queryString.tlsCertificateFile) {
queryString.sslCert = queryString.tlsCertificateFile;
queryString.sslKey = queryString.tlsCertificateKeyFile;
} else {
queryString.sslKey = queryString.tlsCertificateKeyFile;
queryString.sslCert = queryString.tlsCertificateKeyFile;
if (queryString.tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword) {
queryString.ssl = true;
queryString.sslPass = queryString.tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword;
return queryString;
* Checks a query string for invalid tls options according to the URI options spec.
* @param {string} queryString The query string to check
* @throws {MongoParseError}
function checkTLSOptions(queryString) {
const queryStringKeys = Object.keys(queryString);
if (
queryStringKeys.indexOf('tlsInsecure') !== -1 &&
(queryStringKeys.indexOf('tlsAllowInvalidCertificates') !== -1 ||
queryStringKeys.indexOf('tlsAllowInvalidHostnames') !== -1)
) {
throw new MongoParseError(
'The `tlsInsecure` option cannot be used with `tlsAllowInvalidCertificates` or `tlsAllowInvalidHostnames`.'
const tlsValue = assertTlsOptionsAreEqual('tls', queryString, queryStringKeys);
const sslValue = assertTlsOptionsAreEqual('ssl', queryString, queryStringKeys);
if (tlsValue != null && sslValue != null) {
if (tlsValue !== sslValue) {
throw new MongoParseError('All values of `tls` and `ssl` must be the same.');
* Checks a query string to ensure all tls/ssl options are the same.
* @param {string} key The key (tls or ssl) to check
* @param {string} queryString The query string to check
* @throws {MongoParseError}
* @return The value of the tls/ssl option
function assertTlsOptionsAreEqual(optionName, queryString, queryStringKeys) {
const queryStringHasTLSOption = queryStringKeys.indexOf(optionName) !== -1;
let optionValue;
if (Array.isArray(queryString[optionName])) {
optionValue = queryString[optionName][0];
} else {
optionValue = queryString[optionName];
if (queryStringHasTLSOption) {
if (Array.isArray(queryString[optionName])) {
const firstValue = queryString[optionName][0];
queryString[optionName].forEach(tlsValue => {
if (tlsValue !== firstValue) {
throw new MongoParseError(`All values of ${optionName} must be the same.`);
return optionValue;
const PROTOCOL_MONGODB = 'mongodb';
const PROTOCOL_MONGODB_SRV = 'mongodb+srv';
* Parses a MongoDB connection string
* @param {*} uri the MongoDB connection string to parse
* @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
* @param {boolean} [options.caseTranslate] Whether the parser should translate options back into camelCase after normalization
* @param {parseCallback} callback
function parseConnectionString(uri, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
options = Object.assign({}, { caseTranslate: true }, options);
// Check for bad uris before we parse
try {
} catch (e) {
return callback(new MongoParseError('URI malformed, cannot be parsed'));
const cap = uri.match(HOSTS_RX);
if (!cap) {
return callback(new MongoParseError('Invalid connection string'));
const protocol = cap[1];
if (SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS.indexOf(protocol) === -1) {
return callback(new MongoParseError('Invalid protocol provided'));
if (protocol === PROTOCOL_MONGODB_SRV) {
return parseSrvConnectionString(uri, options, callback);
const dbAndQuery = cap[4].split('?');
const db = dbAndQuery.length > 0 ? dbAndQuery[0] : null;
const query = dbAndQuery.length > 1 ? dbAndQuery[1] : null;
let parsedOptions;
try {
parsedOptions = parseQueryString(query, options);
} catch (parseError) {
return callback(parseError);
parsedOptions = Object.assign({}, parsedOptions, options);
const auth = { username: null, password: null, db: db && db !== '' ? qs.unescape(db) : null };
if (parsedOptions.auth) {
// maintain support for legacy options passed into `MongoClient`
if (parsedOptions.auth.username) auth.username = parsedOptions.auth.username;
if (parsedOptions.auth.user) auth.username = parsedOptions.auth.user;
if (parsedOptions.auth.password) auth.password = parsedOptions.auth.password;
} else {
if (parsedOptions.username) auth.username = parsedOptions.username;
if (parsedOptions.user) auth.username = parsedOptions.user;
if (parsedOptions.password) auth.password = parsedOptions.password;
if (cap[4].split('?')[0].indexOf('@') !== -1) {
return callback(new MongoParseError('Unescaped slash in userinfo section'));
const authorityParts = cap[3].split('@');
if (authorityParts.length > 2) {
return callback(new MongoParseError('Unescaped at-sign in authority section'));
if (authorityParts[0] == null || authorityParts[0] === '') {
return callback(new MongoParseError('No username provided in authority section'));
if (authorityParts.length > 1) {
const authParts = authorityParts.shift().split(':');
if (authParts.length > 2) {
return callback(new MongoParseError('Unescaped colon in authority section'));
if (authParts[0] === '') {
return callback(new MongoParseError('Invalid empty username provided'));
if (!auth.username) auth.username = qs.unescape(authParts[0]);
if (!auth.password) auth.password = authParts[1] ? qs.unescape(authParts[1]) : null;
let hostParsingError = null;
const hosts = authorityParts
.map(host => {
let parsedHost = URL.parse(`mongodb://${host}`);
if (parsedHost.path === '/:') {
hostParsingError = new MongoParseError('Double colon in host identifier');
return null;
// heuristically determine if we're working with a domain socket
if (host.match(/\.sock/)) {
parsedHost.hostname = qs.unescape(host);
parsedHost.port = null;
if (Number.isNaN(parsedHost.port)) {
hostParsingError = new MongoParseError('Invalid port (non-numeric string)');
const result = {
host: parsedHost.hostname,
port: parsedHost.port ? parseInt(parsedHost.port) : 27017
if (result.port === 0) {
hostParsingError = new MongoParseError('Invalid port (zero) with hostname');
if (result.port > 65535) {
hostParsingError = new MongoParseError('Invalid port (larger than 65535) with hostname');
if (result.port < 0) {
hostParsingError = new MongoParseError('Invalid port (negative number)');
return result;
.filter(host => !!host);
if (hostParsingError) {
return callback(hostParsingError);
if (hosts.length === 0 || hosts[0].host === '' || hosts[0].host === null) {
return callback(new MongoParseError('No hostname or hostnames provided in connection string'));
const result = {
hosts: hosts,
auth: auth.db || auth.username ? auth : null,
options: Object.keys(parsedOptions).length ? parsedOptions : null
if (result.auth && result.auth.db) {
result.defaultDatabase = result.auth.db;
} else {
result.defaultDatabase = 'test';
// support modern `tls` variants to SSL options
result.options = translateTLSOptions(result.options);
try {
} catch (authError) {
return callback(authError);
callback(null, result);
module.exports = parseConnectionString;