Simple Chat Room in NodeJS, expressJS and mongoDB in Docker Swarm
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

203 lines
8.0 KiB

import * as assert from 'assert';
import sift from '..';
var ObjectID = require('bson').ObjectID;
describe(__filename + '#', function () {
// $eq
[{$eq:5}, [5,'5', 6], [5]],
['5', [5,'5', 6], ['5']],
[false, [false,'false', true], [false]],
[true, [1, true], [true]],
[0, [0,'0'], [0]],
[null, [null], [null]],
[void 0, [void 0, null], [void 0]],
[1, [2,3,4,5], []],
[1, [[1]], [[1]]],
[new Date(1), [new Date(), new Date(1), new Date(2), new Date(3)], [new Date(1)]],
[/^a/, ['a','ab','abc','b','bc'], ['a','ab','abc']],
[function(b) { return b === 1; }, [1,2,3],[1]],
// $ne
[{$ne:5}, [5, '5', 6], ['5', 6]],
[{$ne:'5'}, ['5', 6], [6]],
[{$ne:false}, [false], []],
[{$ne:void 0}, [false, 0, '0', void 0], [false, 0, '0']],
[{$ne:/^a/}, ['a','ab','abc','b','bc'], ['b','bc']],
[{$ne:1}, [[2],[1]], [[2]]],
[{groups:{$ne:111}}, [{groups:[111,222,333,444]},{groups:[222,333,444]}],[{groups:[222,333,444]}]],
// $lt
[{$lt:5}, [3,4,5,6],[3,4]],
[{$lt:'c'}, ['a','b','c'],['a','b']],
[{$lt:null}, [-3,-4], []],
[{$lt:new Date(3)}, [new Date(1), new Date(2), new Date(3)],[new Date(1), new Date(2)]],
// $lte
[{$lte:5}, [3,4,5,6],[3,4,5]],
[{groups:{$lt:5}}, [{groups:[1,2,3,4]}, {groups:[7,8]}], [{groups:[1,2,3,4]}]],
// $gt
[{$gt:5}, [3,4,5,6],[6]],
[{$gt:null}, [3,4], []],
[{groups:{$gt:5}}, [{groups:[1,2,3,4]}, {groups:[7,8]}], [{groups:[7,8]}]],
// $gte
[{$gte:5}, [3,4,5,6],[5, 6]],
[{groups:{$gte:5}}, [{groups:[1,2,3,4]}, {groups:[7,8]}], [{groups:[7,8]}]],
// $mod
[{$mod:[2,1]}, [1,2,3,4,5,6],[1,3,5]],
[{groups:{$mod:[2,0]}}, [{groups:[1,2,3,4]}, {groups:[7,9]}], [{groups:[1,2,3,4]}]],
// $exists
[{$exists:false}, [0,false,void 0, null],[]],
[{$exists:true}, [0,false,void 0, 1, {}],[0, false, void 0, 1, {}]],
[{'a.b': {$exists: true}}, [{a: {b: 'exists'}}, {a: {c: 'does not exist'}}], [{a: {b: 'exists'}}]],
[{field: { $exists: false }}, [{a: 1}, {a: 2, field: 5}, {a: 3, field: 0}, {a: 4, field: undefined}, {a: 5}],[{a: 1}, {a: 5}]],
// $in
// TODO - {$in:[Date]} doesn't work - make it work?
[{$in:[new Date(1)]},[new Date(1), new Date(2)],[new Date(1)]],
[{'a.b.status':{'$in': [0]}}, [{'a':{'b':[{'status':0}]}},{'a':{'b':[{'status':2}]}}],[{'a':{'b':[{'status':0}]}}]],
[{'a.b.status':{'$in': [0, 2]}}, [{'a':{'b':[{'status':0}]}},{'a':{'b':[{'status':2}]}}], [{'a':{'b':[{'status':0}]}},{'a':{'b':[{'status':2}]}}]],
[{'x': {$in: [{$regex: '.*aaa.*'}, {$regex: '.*bbb.*'}]}}, [{'x': {'b': 'aaa'}}, {'x': 'bbb'}, {'x': 'ccc'}, {'x': 'aaa'}], [{'x': 'bbb'}, {'x': 'aaa'}]],
[{'x': {$in: [/.*aaa.*/, /.*bbb.*/]}}, [{'x': {'b': 'aaa'}}, {'x': 'bbb'}, {'x': 'ccc'}, {'x': 'aaa'}], [{'x': 'bbb'}, {'x': 'aaa'}]],
// $nin
[{$nin:[new Date(1)]},[new Date(1), new Date(2)],[new Date(2)]],
[{'root.notDefined': {$nin: [1, 2, 3]}}, [{'root': {'defined': 1337}}], [{'root': {'defined': 1337}}]],
[{'root.notDefined': {$nin: [1, 2, 3, null]}}, [{'root': {'defined': 1337}}], []],
[{'x': {$nin: [{$regex: '.*aaa.*'}, {$regex: '.*bbb.*'}]}}, [{'x': {'b': 'aaa'}}, {'x': 'bbb'}, {'x': 'ccc'}, {'x': 'aaa'}], [{'x': {'b': 'aaa'}},{'x': 'ccc'}]],
[{'x': {$nin: [/.*aaa.*/, /.*bbb.*/]}}, [{'x': {'b': 'aaa'}}, {'x': 'bbb'}, {'x': 'ccc'}, {'x': 'aaa'}], [{'x': {'b': 'aaa'}},{'x': 'ccc'}]],
// $not
[{$not:0},[0, false, 1, 2, 3],[false, 1, 2, 3]],
[{$not:{$in:[1,2,3]}},[1,2,3,4,5,6],[4,5,6]], // with expressions
// $type
[{$type:Date}, [0,new Date(1)],[new Date(1)]],
[{$type:Number}, [0,false,1],[0,1]],
[{$type:Boolean}, [0,false, void 0],[false]],
[{$type:String}, ['1',1,false],['1']],
// $all
[{$all:[0,false]},[[0,1,2],[0,false],['0','false'],void 0],[[0,false]]],
[{$all:[new Date(1),new Date(2)]},[[new Date(1), new Date(2)],[new Date(1)]],[[new Date(1), new Date(2)]]],
// $size
[{$size:1},['123',[1,2,3],'1', void 0],['1']],
// $or
// $nor
// $and
[{$and: [{field: {$not: {$type: String}}}, {field: {$ne: null}}]}, [{a: 1, field: 1}, {a: 2, field: '2'}], [{a: 1, field: 1}]],
// $regex
[{a:{$regex:'b|c'}}, [{a:['b']},{a:['c']},{a:'c'},{a:'d'}], [{a:['b']},{a:['c']},{a:'c'}]],
[{ folder: { $regex:'^[0-9]{4}$' }}, [{ folder:['1234','3212'] }], [{ folder:['1234','3212'] }]],
// $options
[{$regex:'^a', $options: 'i'},['a','Ab','abc','bc','bcd'],['a','Ab','abc']],
[{'text':{'$regex':'.*lis.*','$options':'i'}}, [{text:['Bob','Melissa','Joe','Sherry']}], [{text:['Bob','Melissa','Joe','Sherry']}]],
// undefined
[{$regex:'a'},[undefined, null, true, false, 0, 'aa'],['aa']],
[/a/,[undefined, null, true, false, 0, 'aa'],['aa']],
[/.+/,[undefined, null, true, false, 0, 'aa', {}],['aa']],
// Multiple conditions on an undefined root
[{'a.b': {$exists: true, $nin: [null]}}, [{a: {b: 'exists'}}, {a: {c: 'does not exist'}}], [{a: {b: 'exists'}}]],
// $where
[{$where:function () { return this.v === 1 }}, [{v:1},{v:2}],[{v:1}]],
[{$where:'this.v === 1'}, [{v:1},{v:2}],[{v:1}]],
[{$where:'obj.v === 1'}, [{v:1},{v:2}],[{v:1}]],
// $elemMatch
//{'person': {'$elemMatch': {'gender': 'male', 'age': {'$lt': 30}}}}
[{a:{b:1,c:2}},{a:[{b:1,c:2,d:3}]},{a:{b:2,c:3}}], [{a:{b:1,c:2}},{a:[{b:1,c:2,d:3}]}]
[{a:{$elemMatch:{b:2,c:{$gt:2}}}}, [{a:{b:1,c:2}},{a:{b:1,c:2,d:3}},[{a:{b:2,c:3}}]], [[{a:{b:2,c:3}}]]],
{tags: {$all: [{$elemMatch: {a: 1}}]}},
[{tags: [{a: 1}]}, {tags: [{a: 1}, {b: 1}]}], [{tags: [{a: 1}]}, {tags: [{a: 1}, {b: 1}]}]
// dot-notation
{'a.b': /c/ },
[{a:{b:'c'}}, {a:{b:'cd'}}, {'a.b':'c'},{a:{b:'e'}}],
[{a:{b:'c'}}, {a:{b:'cd'}}]
{'foo.0': 'baz' },
[{foo:['bar', 'baz']}, {foo:['baz', 'bar']}],
[{foo:['baz', 'bar']}]
{'': 'baz' },
[{foo:[{ name: 'bar' }, { name: 'baz' }]}, {foo:[{ name: 'baz' }, { name: 'bar' }]}],
[{foo:[{ name: 'baz' }, { name: 'bar' }]}]
// object.toString() tests
{ $in: [{ toString: function(){ return 'a'; }}]},
[{toString: function(){ return 'a'; }}, {toString: function(){ return 'b' }}],
[{toString: function(){ return 'a'; }}]
{ $in: [{}]},
[{}, {}],
// various comparisons
{ c: { d: 'd' }},
[{ a: 'b', b: 'c', c: { d: 'd', e: 'e' }}, { c: { d: 'e' }}],
[{ a: 'b', b: 'c', c: { d: 'd', e: 'e' }}]
// based on
{ $and: [{ 'a.s': { $lte: new Date('2017-01-29T05:00:00.000Z') }}, {'a.e': { $gte: new Date('2017-01-08T05:00:00.000Z') }}]},
[{ a: { s: new Date('2017-01-13T05:00:00.000Z'), e: new Date('2017-01-31T05:00:00.000Z') }}],
[{ a: { s: new Date('2017-01-13T05:00:00.000Z'), e: new Date('2017-01-31T05:00:00.000Z') }}]
].forEach(function (operation, i) {
var filter = operation[0];
var array = operation[1];
var matchArray = operation[2];
it(i + ': ' + JSON.stringify(filter), function() {
assert.equal(JSON.stringify(array.filter(sift(filter))), JSON.stringify(matchArray));