You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

204 lines
2.7 KiB

4 years ago
Included in:
- user-manual: Sections
- quick-ref
// tag::base[]
= Document Title (Level 0)
== Level 1 Section Title
=== Level 2 Section Title
==== Level 3 Section Title
===== Level 4 Section Title
====== Level 5 Section Title
== Another Level 1 Section Title
// end::base[]
// tag::b-base[]
// the float style is required to create standalone (non-section) headings
= Document Title (Level 0)
== Level 1 Section Title
=== Level 2 Section Title
==== Level 3 Section Title
===== Level 4 Section Title
====== Level 5 Section Title
== Another Level 1 Section Title
// end::b-base[]
// tag::bad[]
= Document Title
= Illegal Level 0 Section (violates rule #1)
== First Section
==== Illegal Nested Section (violates rule #2)
// end::bad[]
// tag::content[]
== First Section
Content of first section
=== Nested Section
Content of nested section
== Second Section
Content of second section
// end::content[]
// tag::book[]
= Document Title (Level 0)
== Section Level 1
=== Section Level 2
==== Section Level 3
===== Section Level 4
====== Section Level 5
= Section Level 0
// end::book[]
// tag::b-book[]
// the float style is required to create standalone (non-section) headings
= Document Title (Level 0)
== Section Level 1
=== Section Level 2
==== Section Level 3
===== Section Level 4
====== Section Level 5
= Section Level 0
// end::b-book[]
// tag::with-anchor-shorthand[]
=== Subspecies of Tiger
// end::with-anchor-shorthand[]
// tag::with-anchor-and-reftext[]
=== Subspecies of Tiger
// end::with-anchor-and-reftext[]
// tag::with-anchor-and-reftext-shorthand[]
=== Subspecies of Tiger
// end::with-anchor-and-reftext-shorthand[]
// tag::num-off[]
== Unnumbered Section
// end::num-off[]
// tag::num[]
= Document Title
== Colophon Section
== Another Colophon Section
== Last Colophon Section
== Section One
== Section Two
== Section Three
// end::num[]
// tag::num-out[]
Colophon Section
Another Colophon Section
Last Colophon Section
1. Section One
2. Section Two
3. Section Three
// end::num-out[]
// tag::sectnuml[]
:sectnumlevels: 2 // <1>
// end::sectnuml[]
// tag::md[]
# Document Title (Level 0)
## Section Level 1
### Section Level 2
#### Section Level 3
##### Section Level 4
###### Section Level 5
// end::md[]
// tag::b-md[]
# Document Title (Level 0)
## Section Level 1
### Section Level 2
#### Section Level 3
##### Section Level 4
###### Section Level 5
// end::b-md[]