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4 years ago
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// tag::base[]
= The Dangerous and Thrilling Documentation Chronicles
Kismet Rainbow Chameleon <>
This journey begins...
== About the Author
You can contact {author} at {email}.
{firstname} loves to hear from other chroniclers.
P.S. And yes, my middle name really is {middlename}.
What else would you expect from a member of the Rocky Mountain {lastname} Clan?
// end::base[]
// tag::b-base[]
= My Document's Title
Doc Writer <>
My document provides...
// end::b-base[]
// tag::2-mid[]
= The Unbearable Lightness of Nomenclature
Jan Hendrik van_den_Berg
My first name is {firstname}.
My middle name is {middlename}.
My last name is {lastname}.
My initials are {authorinitials}.
// end::2-mid[]
// tag::attr[]
= The Dangerous and Thrilling Documentation Chronicles
:author: Kismet Rainbow Chameleon
This journey begins...
== About the Author
You can contact {author} at {email}.
{firstname} loves to hear from other chroniclers.
P.S. And yes, my middle name really is {middlename}.
What else would you expect from a member of the Rocky Mountain {lastname} Clan?
// end::attr[]
// tag::multi[]
= The Dangerous and Thrilling Documentation Chronicles
Kismet Rainbow Chameleon <>; Lazarus het_Draeke <>
This journey begins...
== About the Authors
You can contact {author} at {email}.
{firstname} loves to hear from other chroniclers.
{author_2} specializes in burning down automation obstacles. // <1>
Email {lastname_2} at {email_2}.
Until our next adventure!
{authorinitials} & {authorinitials_2}
// end::multi[]