HTML output section
== Using a command line tool
This document is included in convert-documents and the user-manual.
In this section, we'll create a sample document, then process and convert it with Asciidoctor's `html5` converter.
. Create an AsciiDoc file like the one below
. Save the file as [.path]_mysample.adoc_
To convert [.path]_mysample.adoc_ to HTML from the command line:
. Open a console
. Switch to the directory that contains the [.path]_mysample.adoc_ document
. Call the Asciidoctor processor with the `asciidoctor` command, followed by the name of the document you want to convert
$ asciidoctor mysample.adoc
Remember, Asciidoctor's default converter is html5, so it isn't necessary to specify it with the `-b` command.
You won't see any messages printed to the console.
If you type `ls` or view the directory in a file manager, there is a new file named [.path]_mysample.html_.
$ ls
mysample.adoc mysample.html
Asciidoctor derives the name of the output document from the name of the input document.
Open [.path]_mysample.html_ in your web browser.
Your document should look like the image below.
The document's text, titles, and link is styled by the default Asciidoctor stylesheet, which is embedded in the HTML output.
As a result, you could save [.path]_mysample.html_ to any computer and it will look the same.