Home HowTos Labs SwarmLab

This HowTo teaches you how to Create SwarmLab Instance.

1. Lab Instance

Use any web browser on your computer to join

1.1. create Instance

SwarmLab Creaate Lab
Figure 1. Click on "Sign-in"

1.1.1. Step 1 - select Git Repo

SwarmLab step 1
Figure 2. Search iand Select Git Repo

1.1.2. Step 2 - Select Service

SwarmLab step 2
Figure 3. Search and Select Lab Instance

1.1.3. Step 3 - Save LAb Instance

SwarmLab step 3
Figure 4. Save Lab Instance

1.2. Run Instance

SwarmLab Run Lab
Figure 5. Run Lab Instance

This will run the Selected Repo automatically

If you see "false" in Console Run It Again!!!

1.2.1. Run Ad-hoc Commands

You can also run Ad-hoc Commands or scripts

SwarmLab Run Ad-hoc
Figure 6. Run Ad-hoc Commands


Caminante, no hay camino,
se hace camino al andar.

Wanderer, there is no path,
the path is made by walking.

Antonio Machado Campos de Castilla