//// Included in: - user-manual: Document Types //// Article (keyword: `article`):: The default doctype. In DocBook, includes the appendix, abstract, bibliography, glossary, and index sections. Book (keyword: `book`):: Builds on the article doctype with the additional ability to use a top-level title as part titles, includes the appendix, dedication, preface, bibliography, glossary, index, and colophon. There's also the concept of a multi-part book, but the distinction from a regular book is determined by the content. A book only has chapters and special sections, whereas a multi-part book is divided by parts that each contain one or more chapters or special sections. Man page (keyword: `manpage`):: Used for producing a roff or HTML-formatted https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_page[man page] (short for manual page) for Unix and Unix-like operating systems. This doctype instructs the parser to recognize a special document header and section naming conventions for organizing the AsciiDoc content as a manual page. Refer to <> for details on how to compose AsciiDoc for this purpose. Inline (keyword: `inline`):: Asciidoctor only. There may be cases when you only want to apply inline AsciiDoc formatting to input text without wrapping it in a block element. For example, in the {asciidoclet-ref}[Asciidoclet project] (AsciiDoc in Javadoc), only the inline formatting is needed for the text in Javadoc tags. === Inline doctype The rules for the inline doctype are as follows: * Only a single paragraph is read from the AsciiDoc source. * Inline formatting is applied. * The output is not wrapped in the normal paragraph tags. Given the following input: [source,asciidoc] http://asciidoc.org[AsciiDoc] is a _lightweight_ markup language... Processing it with the options `doctype=inline` and `backend=html5` produces: [source,html] AsciiDoc is a lightweight markup language… The inline doctype allows the Asciidoctor processor to cover the full range of applications, from unstructured (inline) text to full, standalone documents!