//// Included in: - user-manual: Ordered lists: Numbering styles //// For ordered lists, Asciidoctor supports the numeration styles such as lowergreek and decimal-leading-zero. The full list of numeration styles that can be applied to an ordered list are as follows: [cols="2,3", width="50%"] .Asciidoctor ordered list numeration styles |=== |Block style |CSS list-style-type |arabic |decimal |decimal{ast} |decimal-leading-zero |loweralpha |lower-alpha |upperalpha |upper-alpha |lowerroman |lower-roman |upperroman |upper-roman |lowergreek{ast} |lower-greek |=== {ast} These styles are only supported by the HTML converters. Here are a few examples showing various numeration styles as defined by the block style shown in the header row: |=== |[arabic]{ast} |[decimal] |[loweralpha] |[lowergreek] a| . one . two . three a| [decimal] . one . two . three a| [loweralpha] . one . two . three a| [lowergreek] . one . two . three |=== {ast} Default numeration if block style is not specified TIP: Custom numeration styles can be implemented using a custom role. Define a new class selector (e.g., `.custom`) in your stylesheet that sets the `list-style-type` property to the value of your choice. Then, assign the name of that class as a role on any list to which you want that numeration applied. When the role shorthand (`.custom`) is used on an ordered list, the numeration style is no longer omitted. You can override the number scheme for any level by setting its style (the first positional entry in a block attribute list). You can also set the starting number using the `start` attribute: [source] ---- include::ex-o-list.adoc[tag=num] ---- ==== include::ex-o-list.adoc[tag=num] ==== IMPORTANT: The start attribute must be a number, even when using a different numeration style. For instance, to start an alphabetic list at letter "c", set the numeration style to loweralpha and the start attribute to 3.