Included in:

- user-manual: text formatting: Custom styling with attributes

When text is enclosed in a set of single or double hash symbols (`#`), and no style is assigned to it, the text will be rendered as highlighted text (text wrapped in `<mark>`).

.Highlighted style syntax

.Highlighted text HTML output

.Rendered highlighted text

Additionally, text marked with hash symbols can be assigned built-in styles, such as `big` and `green`.

.Built-in CSS class syntax
<1> The first positional attribute is treated as a role. You can assign it a custom or built-in CSS class.

.Rendered CSS class styled text

You can format text with custom styles that you define as well.

.Custom CSS class syntax

When converted to HTML, the word _asciidoctor_ is wrapped in `<span>` tags and the role `userinput` is used as the element's CSS class.

.HTML output

Add link to appendix of built-in CSS classes and how to create a custom class.