//// Included in: - user-manual: Stylesheet Factory: Generate an HTML document //// Now it's time to pick the stylesheet you want to apply to your content when it is rendered. In your file browser, navigate to the [.path]_stylesheets/_ directory. Or, using a console, change to the [.path]_stylesheets/_ directory and list the available stylesheets using the `ls` command. $ ls .Console output of `ls` command .... asciidoctor.css foundation-lime.css iconic.css riak.css colony.css foundation-potion.css maker.css rubygems.css foundation.css golo.css readthedocs.css .... Let's apply the [.path]_colony.css_ stylesheet to the sample document. . Navigate to the directory where you saved [.path]_mysample.adoc_. . Call the `asciidoctor` processor. . Specify the stylesheet you want applied with the `stylesheet` attribute. . Tell the processor where the specified stylesheet is located with the `stylesdir` attribute. $ asciidoctor -a stylesheet=colony.css -a stylesdir=../stylesheets mysample.adoc Open a browser, navigate to [.path]_mysample.html_ and checkout the result! If you inspect the [.path]_mysample.html_ document, you should see that the stylesheet is embedded in the converted document. .Stylesheet images **** The Golo, Maker, and Riak themes include image assets. To apply these themes to your document correctly, the applicable images must be copied into the same directory as the generated output. For example, to apply the [.path]_maker.css_ stylesheet to [.path]_mysample.adoc_: . Copy [.path]_body-bh.png_ from the [.path]_images/maker/_ directory into the output directory. . Call the `stylesheet` and `styledir` attributes. $ asciidoctor -a stylesheet=maker.css -a stylesdir=../stylesheets mysample.adoc Navigate to [.path]_mysample.html_ in your browser. The [.path]_body-bh.png_ image should add a graph paper-like background to your generated output. ****