//// Command line usage quick start for Asciidoctor This file is included in the install-toolchain and user-manual documents //// Asciidoctor's command line interface (CLI) is a drop-in replacement for the `asciidoc.py` command from the Python implementation. If the Asciidoctor gem installed successfully, the `asciidoctor` command line interface (CLI) will be available on your PATH. To confirm that Asciidoctor is available, execute: $ asciidoctor --version The following information should be output in your terminal: Asciidoctor [https://asciidoctor.org] To invoke Asciidoctor from the CLI and convert an `.adoc` file, execute: $ asciidoctor This will use the built-in defaults for options and create a new file in the same directory as the input file, with the same base name, but with the `.html` extension. There are many other options available, listed in <>. Full help is provided in the {uri-man}[man page] or via: $ asciidoctor --help There is also an `asciidoctor-safe` command, which turns on safe mode by default, preventing access to files outside the parent directory of the source file. This mode is very similar to the safe mode of `asciidoc.py`.