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= The Dangerous and Thrilling Documentation Chronicles
Kismet Rainbow Chameleon <kismet@asciidoctor.org>; Lazarus het_Draeke <lazarus@asciidoctor.org>
:description: A story chronicling the inexplicable hazards and vicious beasts a \ // <1>
documentation team must surmount and vanquish on their journey to finding an \
open source project's true power.

This journey begins on a bleary Monday morning.
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Our intrepid team is in desperate need of double shot mochas, but the milk expired eight days ago.
A trip to the dairy was out of the question.
On Friday night, a mutant, script-injecting warlock had infected the Shetland cattle herd with a ravenous craving for tags and annotations.
The security wolves were at a trust building retreat in Katchanga, and no one in the village could locate their defensive operations manual.

Weak daylight trickled across the stripped pasture, chased by distant bovine screams...

== Cavern Glow

The river rages through the cavern, rattling its content...

== The Ravages of Writing

Her finger socks had been vaporized by crystalline nuggets of...

=== A Recipe for Potion

Two fresh Burdockian leaves, harvested by the light of the teal moons...

==== Searching for Burdockian

Crawling through the twisted understory...

== Dawn on the Plateau

Hanging from...

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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<meta name="description" content="A story chronicling the inexplicable hazards and vicious beasts a documentation team must surmount and vanquish on their journey to finding an open source project's true power.">
<title>The Dangerous and Thrilling Documentation Chronicles</title>
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