Examples for table sections, cell specifiers

// tag::3dup[]

|Cell in column 1, row 1 |Cell in column 2, row 1 |Cell in column 3, row 1

3*|Same cell content in columns 1, 2, and 3

|Cell in column 1, row 3
|Cell in column 2, row 3
|Cell in column 3, row 3

// end::3dup[]

// tag::3span[]

|Cell in column 1, row 1 |Cell in column 2, row 1 |Cell in column 3, row 1

3+|Content in a single cell that spans columns 1, 2, and 3

|Cell in column 1, row 3
|Cell in column 2, row 3
|Cell in column 3, row 3

// end::3span[]

// tag::2span-r[]

|Cell in column 1, row 1 |Cell in column 2, row 1 |Cell in column 3, row 1

.2+|Content in a single cell that spans rows 2 and 3
|Cell in column 2, row 2
|Cell in column 3, row 2

|Cell in column 2, row 3
|Cell in column 3, row 3

// end::2span-r[]

// tag::span-cr[]

|Column 1, row 1 |Column 2, row 1 |Column 3, row 1 |Column 4, row 1

|Column 1, row 2
2.3+|Content in a single cell that spans over rows and columns
|Column 4, row 2

|Column 1, row 3
|Column 4, row 3

|Column 1, row 4
|Column 4, row 4
// end::span-cr[]

// tag::cell-align[]
^|Prefix the `{vbar}` with `{caret}` to center content horizontally
<|Prefix the `{vbar}` with `<` to align the content to the left horizontally
>|Prefix the `{vbar}` with `>` to align the content to the right horizontally

.^|Prefix the `{vbar}` with a `.` and `{caret}` to center the content in the cell vertically
.<|Prefix the `{vbar}` with a `.` and `<` to align the content to the top of the cell
.>|Prefix the `{vbar}` with a `.` and `>` to align the content to the bottom of the cell

3+^.^|This content spans three columns (`3{plus}`) and is centered horizontally (`{caret}`) and vertically (`.{caret}`) within the cell.

// end::cell-align[]

// tag::cell-ad[]

a|This cell is prefixed with an `a`, so the processor interpets the following lines as an AsciiDoc list.

* List item 1
* List item 2
* List item 3
|This cell *is not* prefixed with an `a`, so the processor does not interpret the following lines as an AsciiDoc list.

* List item 1
* List item 2
* List item 3

a|This cell is prefixed with an `a`, so the processor honors the `lead` style on the following paragraph.

I am a paragraph styled with the lead attribute.
|This cell *is not* prefixed with an `a`, so the processor does not honor the `lead` style on the following paragraph.

I am a paragraph styled with the lead attribute.
// end::cell-ad[]

// tag::cell-v[]

2*>m|This content is duplicated across two columns.

It is aligned right horizontally.

And it is monospaced.

.3+^.>s|This cell spans 3 rows. The content is centered horizontally, aligned to the bottom of the cell, and strong.
e|This content is emphasized.

.^l|This content is aligned to the top of the cell and literal.

v|This cell contains a verse
that may one day expound on the
wonders of tables in an
epic sonnet.

// end::cell-v[]

// tag::b-spec[]
[cols="e,m,^,>s", width="25%"]
|1 >s|2 |3 |4
^|5 2.2+^.^|6 .3+<.>m|7
|9 2+>|10
// end::b-spec[]

// tag::cell-src[]
|Source Code 1 |Source Code 2

import os
print "%s" %(os.uname())

import os
print ("%s" %(os.uname()))
// end::cell-src[]