1. Install swarmlab-sec (Home PC)


See INSTALL.md for Installation Instruction


In Lab’s everything is ready! Goto "create"

2. Usage (swarmlab-sec)

  • Open a console

  • Create a directory

cd dir
swarmlab-sec <tab><tab>

create       create project      (swarmlab-sec create)
up           start swarmlab-sec  (swarmlab-sec up size=10)
scale        resize swarmlab-sec (swarmlab-sec scale size=30)
reload       rebuild image       (swarmlab-sec reload size=15)
login        login swarmlab-sec  (swarmlab-sec login)
exec         execute command     (swarmlab-sec exec [SHELL COMMAND])
down         stop swarmlab-sec   (swarmlab-sec down)
clean        clean project       (swarmlab-sec clean)
list         show instances      (swarmlab-sec swarmlab-sec list)
help         show help           (swarmlab-sec help)

Using the tab key to automatically complete unambiguous commands and paths in Bash

3. Create swarmlab project

mkdir myproject
cd myproject
swarmlab-sec create
Relevant files:
├── Dockerfile          # Image specification
├── project             # Sample program source code
│   └── hello_world.c
├── ssh                 # keys for accessing
│   ├── id_rsa          # (could generate your own)
│   └── id_rsa.pub
├── docker-compose.yml  # Container orchestration

4. Spin up the swarmlab cluster

cd myproject
swarmlab-sec up size=5
We built a high-performing, scalable infrastructure


5. Login to the swarmlab cluster

cd myproject
swarmlab-sec login

6. Scale cluster in real-time

As the cluster running, without having to close the session, open a different terminal and go back to the project directory.

cd myproject
swarmlab-sec scale size=10

7. shutdown swarmlab-sec cluster

cd myproject
swarmlab-sec down


Caminante, no hay camino,
se hace camino al andar.

Wanderer, there is no path,
the path is made by walking.

Antonio Machado Campos de Castilla