This is the area where you will find the available labrooms created by tutors and join the desired one.

Browsing labrooms

You can easily browse throught the available labrooms in the list using the search bar at the top.

lab room list

You can get more info about a specific labroom by clicking the info button info icon.

info poppup

Active labrooms are indicated using a green color while closed ones with orange.

Entering a labroom

Once you have found the labroom you were looking for you can enter by simply clicking on the cloud icon cloud icon.
You should see a screen as follows:

password big

The passwords are randomly generated and you can use them to connect to your lesson (see picture bellow).

password user

If the tutor is sharing his screen you can watch by clicking on the according button and using the respective password.

password tutor screen
Now, under the password area there are three other options:
'Meeting' meeting button

Here you can join a meeting with your group (this will redirect you to a jitsi implementation).
For more visit

'Gui' gui button

This loads a graphic unix environment.

'Console' console button

This loads a unix terminal.