With that out of the way lets enter the heart of our platform, 'my lab'! + = My Lab Nested under 'mylab' are both creation tools (bootstrap) and execution tools (run). == The run menu Inside the run menu there are three areas: :: . 'Rub lab instance' + . 'Enter lab room' + . the console + As the names suggest we can use the first to *run* one of our available lab instances, the second to *enter* a created labroom, and the third to *execute* scripts. + Lets look at the options one by one. + For the purpose of this walkthrough 'testmpi2' and 'test 18' were created. + Since the console is explained along with the first area we dont feel there is a need to have seperate walkthrough. === Run lab instance area include::../.{sourcedir}/navigation/lab_instances.adoc[] === Enter lab room area include::../.{sourcedir}/navigation/lab_rooms.adoc[]