== 'Bootstrap Labroom' Now lets see how we can bootstrap a new labroom using one of our lab instances. + To do that lets navigate to the respective tab that should look like this: + image::{imagesdir}/for_tutors/bootstrap_labroom.png[] Here we can select the desired (existing!) lab instance that will be used to create the labroom using the plug icon image:{imagesdir}/for_tutors/plug_icon.png[]. + image::{imagesdir}/for_tutors/lab_instance_choose.png[] Then we have to specify starting date and time and also set the duration for which our lab room will be open. + image::{imagesdir}/for_tutors/timeframe_selection.png[] CAUTION: You can only start a labroom every whole or half hour (p.e. 12.00 or 14.30) and never inbetween so please plan ahead!! + Also note that the duration cannot be greater than three hours since we consider that the maximum for any type of lesson! + Now using the searchbar that follows (you HAVE to search for students for them to come up) we search and select (image:{imagesdir}/for_tutors/plug_icon.png[]) the students that we want to invite to the lesson. + Note that only students that have subscribed to our labroom will be available for invites to avoid confusion! + image::{imagesdir}/for_tutors/student_selection.png[] After selecting all the desired students we have to fill in the last details at the bottom of the page. + Please give concise titles and good descriptions to your labrooms!! + image::{imagesdir}/for_tutors/bootstrap_details.png[] Now we shall check and upon making shure that everything is right we click the 'bootstrap your lab' button! WARNING: Bootstraping is final and no further edits are allowed!!