By now it should propably be clear how to run a lab from the list or enter a labroom.
But you are propably wondering 'My list is empty how am i supposed to run labs from it?!'
Well here is where the final but most basic menu comes into play: 'Bootstrap' !

Here we can create and add labs to our list. To do so we have to go through a series of steps, but lets first understand some basic things about how swarmlab works…
Every swarmlab lab instance resides in a git repo created inside our git and owned by the lab creator. This repo then serves as a 'home' for all the work inside that lab. So for us to create and run a lab we have to link a service to a git repo. |
Asuming we have an account (using the same email as our swarmlab account!) all our repos should be shown on the list in the top left corner.
To search for any public repo we can use the search bar.

From that list we can now select the desired repository that we want to use by clicking on the plug icon.
We can use any repo we like, but we will be able to commit only to those that we have access to.
If we wish to edit or contribute to the development of a project we are not part of we can use the clone option as usual!
Now we have to select the service that our lab will be using. We just select the desired one from the list on the right and it will be automatically linked to the project.

Finally we have to save the lab instance by filling in the required info at the bottom.