Creating a lab
To create a lab instance simply add a repo to your git!
You will then be able to locate that repo inside the instance list and run it.
For more info on this please refer to the Bootstrap chapter here !
Running a lab instance
First we have to select the lab we want to run. To find a specific lab we can use the search bar at the top.

After we have located the desired lab we can run it by using the cloud icon.
To request more info about the lab we use the info icon and the trashcan
deletes the lab (forever).
Carefull, forever is a long time!
So lets go back to running the lab. After clicking on the according icon we should be redirected to the execution screen.

Here we can use the command line on the bottom to execute the required commands. Our results will be visible in the console above.

Note that you can choose to use the editor of your liking from the drop down menu.
For more complicated tasks that may require responsivines from the machine you can use the terminal option to open a full-blown unix command line.