:description: Swarmlabs usage tool for students! :keywords: Cloud, swarm :data-uri: :toc: right :toc-title: :toclevels: 5 :source-highlighter: coderay :icons: font :sectnums: = Usage SwarmLab with NoVNC! This HowTo teaches you how to Use a SwarmLab noVNC Lab. == Quick 1 minute demo video::b5tBNdncDNk[youtube] A very quick 1 minute demo showing noVNC in Firefox == Copy/Paste .Copy/paste image::./noVNC-5-clipboard.png[SwarmLab Copy/Paste] A solution for clipboard transfer is available. - Text copied in the remote desktop will appear in the *clipboard box* in noVNC's interface. - You can then copy the text from that box to access it in your local clipboard. - Any text put into the clipboard box will be sent to the remote clipboard as well. == Settings .Settings image::./noVNC-4-settings.png[Settings] There are many settings in the interface, including - local cursor, - scaling, - clipping mode for viewport panning and automatic reconnection. == keyboard keys .Extra buttons image::./noVNC-6-extrabuttons.png[extrabuttons] Some keyboard keys and combinations are intercepted by the browser. We have added the most common keys to the interface to allow such keys to be sent to the remote desktop. Note that the control bar can be dragged to whichever side you prefer, simply drag the handle.