1. Installation

apt-get install git

2. Preparation

Setting up name and e-mail address
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "email@foo.com"

3. Create repo

Create a repository
git init

4. Create a “HelloWorld” file

Hello world!
mkdir HelloWorld
touch HelloWorld/hello

5. Add HelloWorld

Add file
git add HelloWorld
git commit -m "Hello World!"
You’d better not do that
git commit ‐a
git add; git commit

6. Check Status

Check status
git status

7. Show

7.1. Show history

git log
git log

7.2. Show config

git config
git config --list

8. Git workflow

Git workflow
touch HelloWorld/hello1
git status
git add HelloWorld
git status
git commit -m "Hello "
git status