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5 years ago
= IoT Wireless !
// Metadata:
:description: IoT
:keywords: iot, swarm
:toc: right
:toc-title: Πίνακας περιεχομένων
:toclevels: 4
:source-highlighter: highlight
:icons: font
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== Contiki
Contiki is a state-of-the-art, open
source operating system for sensor networks and other networked embedded
More Info:[^]
== Start Instant Contiki
.Start VMware and load Instant Contiki.
Start image
5 years ago
5 years ago
== Log In
When the login screen appears, log in to Instant Contiki:
.Log In usermode
Username: user
Password: user
.Log In sudo
sudo apt update
Password: user
== Open a Terminal
After logging in, click on the terminal icon to start a terminal window.
== System test
.compile hello-world
cd contiki/examples/hello-world/
make TARGET=native
.Run the Hello World program in Contiki:
The program should print the words *“Hello, world”* on the screen and then appear to hang.
In reality, Contiki is still running correctly, but will not produce any output because the Hello World program has finished.
Press Ctrl+C on the keyboard to quit.
== Simulating Contiki with COOJA
=== Start COOJA
cd contiki/tools/cooja/
ant run
COOJA compiles, and after a few seconds the simulator appears.
All COOJA simulations are controlled using plugins: small Java programs that interact with simulations and simulated nodes.
When COOJA is started, no simulation is loaded and no plugins are started.
=== Create a simulation
A new simulation is created via the menu.
File > New > Simulation
- Enter a Simulation title, and click Create.
We have now created our first simulation in COOJA. However, the simulation does not contain any nodes yet.
To add nodes we need to first create a node type, and then add nodes to the simulation.
5 years ago
- The *Network* window, at the top left of the screen, shows all the motes in the simulated network
- The *Timeline* window, at the bottom of the screen, shows all communication events in the simulation over time
- The *Mote* output window, on the right side of the screen, shows all serial port printouts from all the motes.
- The *Notes* window on the top right is where you can put notes for your simulation.
- And the *Simulation* control window is where you start, pause, and reload your simulation.
5 years ago
=== Create a node type
Any simulated node in COOJA belongs to a node type.
The node type determines, among others, which Contiki applications to simulate.
Click menu item
Motes > Add Motes > Create new mote type > Sky mote.
You have selected to emulate Tmote Sky nodes, and now need to select what Contiki program to simulate.
- Enter a Description.
- *Click Browse*, and navigate to *contiki/examples/hello-world/hello-world.c*
- *Click Compile* to start compiling the Contiki program
- *Click Create* when complication finishes.
You will be asked to enter the number of motes of your simulation.
Once you are done, click the Start button in the Simulation control window to start the simulation.
=== Save, Load and Reload in Cooja
Cooja allows for saving and loading simulation configurations.
When a simulation is saved, all active plugins are also stored with the configuration.
.save your current simulation
File > Save simulation
.Open simulation
File > Open simulation > Browse...
Select a simulation configuration.
When a simulation is loaded, all simulated Contiki applications are recompiled.
.reload your current simulation:
File > Reload simulation
or press
Reloading can be used to reset the simulation – to restart all nodes.
More importantly, reloading a simulation will recompile all Contiki code, useful while developing Contiki programs.
=== Add simulated nodes
Motes > Add motes > [your type description]
Enter the number of nodes you want to simulate (e.g., 5), and press Add.
=== Show properties
Go to the *“Network”* window, click the *view* menu, and choose the properties you want to show for the nodes.
==== Radio model in Cooja
From the Network window, click on the
View > Radio Environment (UDGM)
If you now left-click on one of the nodes, you will see a green circle around the selected node.
The green circle presents the transmission range of the node, i.e. the selected node can communicate with all other nodes within that circle.
You may also see a grey circle around the green circle.
A node in the grey area cannot receive packets correctly
5 years ago
=== Extend the hello-world example
- Create a folder
- Copy+paste the *contiki/examples/hello-world* folder in your new folder.
==== Sensors, LEDs and Button
We will extend the Hello World program to let it print sensor data and toggle the leds when the button is pressed.
#include "dev/button-sensor.h"
#include "dev/light-sensor.h"
#include "dev/leds.h"
#include <stdio.h> /* For printf() */
Sensors needs to be activated in the main process:
To print out the current light sensor value:
printf("Light: \%u\n", light_sensor.value(0));
To wait for an event and check if this event is a button press:
PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(ev == sensors_even && data == &button_sensor);
To toggle LEDs:
5 years ago
5 years ago
=== Create an IPv6 network
The border router will setup the IPv6 prefix of the network and will initiate the creation of the RPL routing tree.
The code of the border-router is in contiki/examples/ipv6/rpl-border-router/border-router.c+.
==== Copy and paste the folder in your project folder.
- Start Cooja and create a new simulation.
- Create a new mote type, browse to your project folder where the rpl-border-router is located and compile it.
- Once the border-router node has been added to the simulation, you then need to populate your network with more motes.
- For this, we use the code in ipv6/sky-websense/sky-websense.c
The sky-websense application generates sensing data and provides access to the latest data via built-in webserver.
cd to your project folder where the rpl-border-router is located
make connect-router-Cooja TARGET=sky
You should see something like
ifconfig tun0 inet ‘hostname‘ up
ifconfig tun0 add aaaa::1/64
ifconfig tun0 add fe80::0:0:0:1/64
ifconfig tun0
tun0 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-00-00
in your web browser to see the available readings.
Current readings
Light: 65
Temperature: 24C
And see the following:
aaaa::c30c:0:0:9e/128 (via fe80::c30c:0:0:9e)
Now try to access the light service
- with l for ’light’
- with t for ’temperature’
5 years ago
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