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= IoT Wireless ! |
Apostolos rootApostolos@swarmlab.io |
// Metadata: |
:description: IoT |
:keywords: iot, swarm |
:data-uri: |
:toc: right |
:toc-title: Πίνακας περιεχομένων |
:toclevels: 4 |
:source-highlighter: highlight |
:icons: font |
:sectnums: |
include::header.adoc[] |
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== Contiki |
Contiki is a state-of-the-art, open |
source operating system for sensor networks and other networked embedded |
devices |
More Info: |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contiki[^] |
== Start Instant Contiki |
.Start VMware and load Instant Contiki. |
[source,bash] |
---- |
unzip InstantContiki2.7.zip |
vmplayer |
---- |
Start image |
== Log In |
When the login screen appears, log in to Instant Contiki: |
.Log In usermode |
[source,bash] |
---- |
Username: user |
Password: user |
---- |
.Log In sudo |
[source,bash] |
---- |
sudo apt update |
Password: user |
---- |
== Open a Terminal |
After logging in, click on the terminal icon to start a terminal window. |
== System test |
.compile hello-world |
[source,bash] |
---- |
cd contiki/examples/hello-world/ |
make TARGET=native |
---- |
.Run the Hello World program in Contiki: |
[source,bash] |
---- |
./hello-world.native |
---- |
The program should print the words *“Hello, world”* on the screen and then appear to hang. |
In reality, Contiki is still running correctly, but will not produce any output because the Hello World program has finished. |
[source,bash] |
---- |
Press Ctrl+C on the keyboard to quit. |
---- |
== Simulating Contiki with COOJA |
=== Start COOJA |
.start |
[source,bash] |
---- |
cd contiki/tools/cooja/ |
ant run |
---- |
[NOTE] |
==== |
COOJA compiles, and after a few seconds the simulator appears. |
All COOJA simulations are controlled using plugins: small Java programs that interact with simulations and simulated nodes. |
When COOJA is started, no simulation is loaded and no plugins are started. |
==== |
=== Create a simulation |
A new simulation is created via the menu. |
[source,bash] |
---- |
File > New > Simulation |
---- |
- Enter a Simulation title, and click Create. |
We have now created our first simulation in COOJA. However, the simulation does not contain any nodes yet. |
To add nodes we need to first create a node type, and then add nodes to the simulation. |
=== Create a node type |
Any simulated node in COOJA belongs to a node type. |
The node type determines, among others, which Contiki applications to simulate. |
Click menu item |
[source,bash] |
---- |
Motes > Add Motes > Create new mote type > Sky mote. |
---- |
You have selected to emulate Tmote Sky nodes, and now need to select what Contiki program to simulate. |
- Enter a Description. |
- *Click Browse*, and navigate to *contiki/examples/hello-world/hello-world.c* |
- *Click Compile* to start compiling the Contiki program |
- *Click Create* when complication finishes. |
You will be asked to enter the number of motes of your simulation. |
Once you are done, click the Start button in the Simulation control window to start the simulation. |
=== Save, Load and Reload in Cooja |
Cooja allows for saving and loading simulation configurations. |
When a simulation is saved, all active plugins are also stored with the configuration. |
.save your current simulation |
[source,bash] |
---- |
File > Save simulation |
---- |
.Open simulation |
[source,bash] |
---- |
File > Open simulation > Browse... |
---- |
Select a simulation configuration. |
When a simulation is loaded, all simulated Contiki applications are recompiled. |
.reload your current simulation: |
[source,bash] |
---- |
File > Reload simulation |
or press |
Ctrl+R |
---- |
.Reminder |
[NOTE] |
==== |
Reloading can be used to reset the simulation – to restart all nodes. |
More importantly, reloading a simulation will recompile all Contiki code, useful while developing Contiki programs. |
==== |
=== Add simulated nodes |
[source,bash] |
---- |
Motes > Add motes > [your type description] |
---- |
Enter the number of nodes you want to simulate (e.g., 5), and press Add. |
=== Show properties |
Go to the *“Network”* window, click the *view* menu, and choose the properties you want to show for the nodes. |
==== Radio model in Cooja |
From the Network window, click on the |
[source,bash] |
---- |
View > Radio Environment (UDGM) |
---- |
If you now left-click on one of the nodes, you will see a green circle around the selected node. |
[NOTE] |
==== |
The green circle presents the transmission range of the node, i.e. the selected node can communicate with all other nodes within that circle. |
You may also see a grey circle around the green circle. |
A node in the grey area cannot receive packets correctly |
==== |
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