#!/bin/sh if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then echo "This script will create a veth pair, attach one end to an OVS bridge," echo "and another end to the specified container as a virtual NIC." echo "" echo "Usage: $0 " echo "Example: $0 test-container-1 veth-1 peer-1 br-int" exit 1 fi CONTAINER=$1 VETH=$2 PEER=$3 OVS_BR=$4 NETNS=`sudo docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' $CONTAINER` echo "add veth pair[$VETH <--> $PEER] to container[$CONTAINER] in netns[$NETNS]" ip link delete $VETH || true ip link add $VETH type veth peer name $PEER echo "add port to ovs bridge $OVS_BR" ovs-vsctl add-port $OVS_BR $VETH echo "move $PEER to netns $NETNS" ip link set $PEER netns $NETNS ip netns exec $NETNS ip link set dev $PEER up echo "done"