= Swarmlab Hybrid! Apostolos rootApostolos@swarmlab.io // Metadata: :description: Intro and Install :keywords: ubuntu install :data-uri: :toc: right :toc-title: Table of contents :toclevels: 4 :source-highlighter: highlight :icons: font :sectnums: ==== {empty} + [.right] .Build once, Deploy anywhere! image:./images/hybrid.png[300,300,role="related thumb right"] Swarmlab Hybrid provides a *Modern Application Architecture* * Distributed System * Multiple machines * Each service is a process * Containerized services in Lightweight containers * Auto deploy/delivery of services ==== [TIP] ==== .WireGuard - fast and modern VPN tunnel *All running in a isolated Network Stack with High efficiency and security* ==== == Start/Stop Agent === Start Agent * Navigate to the dir you have installed the agent ** run ./start.sh === Stop Agent * Navigate to the dir you have installed the agent ** run ./stop.sh == Config * Use the "Profile->Settingsā€ menu on swarmlab-agent client to configure a hybrid agent ** click on "Load Settings" 1st ** add also a zone for your agent == Deploy === Private/Local [.float-group] -- [.left] video::507040807[vimeo,width=640,start=0,end=1:10,title=.intro swarmlab 0 - 1:10,lang=us] [.right] image:./images/swarmlab-network.png[300,300,role="related thumb right"] -- video::507040807[vimeo,width=640,start=1:10,end=2:20,title=.intro hybrid 1:10 - 2:20,lang=us] video::507040807[vimeo,width=640,start=2:20,end=4:15,title=.intro agent 2:20 - 4:15,lang=us] video::507040807[vimeo,width=640,start=4:15,end=7:25,title=.bootstrap image 4:15 - 7:25,lang=us] === Hybrid * deploy 0:20 - 11:17 ** deploy field description (image) 1:03 - 1:30 ** deploy field description (stack) 1:30 - 3:10 ** deploy field description (network) 3:10 - 5:35 ** deploy field description (Limits) 5:35 - 6:17 ** deploy field description (Port Expose) 6:17 - 7:20 ** deploy field description (Readme URL) 7:20 - 8:32 video::507090167[vimeo,width=640,start=0,end=11:17,title=.Deploy,lang=us] == Join * join 11:17 - 17:41 video::507090167[vimeo,width=640,start=11:17,end=17:41,title=.Join,lang=us] == Connect to Container video::507040807[vimeo,width=640,start=725,end=12:20,title=.Connect to container (Host->container) 7:25 - 12:20,lang=us] video::507040807[vimeo,width=640,start=12:20,end=13:50,title=.Connect to container (Container->container) 12:20 - 13:50,lang=us] video::507040807[vimeo,width=640,start=13:50,end=7:15,title=.Mount DIR container 13:50 - 7:15,lang=us]