### Welcome to Swarmlab.io
**Swarmlab** is a powerful collaboration tool that connects tutors and students
**in a unique all-in-one environment that gets work done fast and easily**
#### **Ready-to-Use Virtual Labs one click away.**
### Table of contents
1. [About The Project](#introduction)
2. [System requirements ](#paragraph1)
1. [Sub paragraph](#subparagraph1)
3. [Installation](#paragraph2)
4. [More info](#paragraph2)
### About The Project
*Share your exercises and content as a tutor and access it as student on demand*
#### On demand Labrooms
* Optimized for both Students and Tutors
* Tutors bootstrap their labrooms using our tools
* Students can join the created labrooms according to their interrests
* Following the lead of a cloud based world, we use git for tutors to create, distribute and run their lessons.
### System requirements
The first paragraph text
#### Prerequisites
This is a sub paragraph, formatted in heading 3 style
### Installation
The second paragraph text
### More Info
You can find our docs in *docs* Directory
The Swarmlab docs are in AsciiDoc (similar to markdown), PDF and html format
Asciidoc add-on can be found here: